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Tribute to Mrs. Yvonne Miller
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Mrs. Yvonne Miller was a faithful and dedicated member of the Cayman Islands Regional Mission Council Women’s Fellowship of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. In the Handbook of the Women’s Fellowship it is recorded that the Branch of Gun Bay was formed in 1955 and it was in this organization that Yvonne became a highly active member. Despite the heavy responsibility of a fulltime job with The Cayman Islands Government Hospital and the raising of her four young sons, Yvonne made time to participate in all aspects of the Women’s Fellowship. Obedience to the Command to Go- By Ms. Camile Watt, Youth Worker (SAV/RY, CIRMC) The Command to Go is seen given to the disciples at a time in their lives when they grappled with the reality of losing their Leader. One would say “He is not dead, He is risen”, but their reality at the time presented many emotions and challenges as they were faced with a crisis. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
Pentecost 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Today we join the Church universal in the celebration of Pentecost, one of the high festivals of the Church. It marks the birth of the Church which took place in the midst of the Pax Roma and after the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. After Jesus ascended from the Mount of Olives, the Apostles and Disciples returned to the Jerusalem as an uncertain group. They were uncertain about their long term future and they were intimidated by the vicissitudes in the daily activities. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
You Will Be My Witnesses! by Rev. Godfrey Meghoo
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Please read Acts 1:6-14 For several weeks now many families are worshipping at home instead of in churches because of a dangerous virus. The first Christians had to worship in secret because of the danger of persecution and the threat of death. For about 300 years, Christian corporate worship took place mainly in the homes of believers. According to Acts ch. 4 the believers regularly gathered in homes scattered around the city as well as in the Temple courts until the authorities started the first persecution against them. After the Temple had been destroyed in AD 70, a new persecution instigated by the Roman Empire made matters worse for the believers. It was not until 300 years later during the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine that Christianity became a ‘religio licita’, a ‘legally allowed religion’. CMC Popular Report The meeting of the Central Mission Council (CMC) of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands was held on May 8, 2020. The Council received the reports of the four (4) Regional Mission Councils, the three (3) Commissions of Synod, three (3) Auxiliaries, the United Church Mission Enterprise (UCME), the International University of the Caribbean (IUC), the Finance Committee of Synod, and the General Secretary. The meeting was held virtually using the Zoom platform. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
A Reflection on Discipleship By Mr. Ormond Williams
Wednesday May 13, 2020
It is said that what we do will always speak more loudly than what we say. This does not negate the importance of what we say but it shows how all aspects of our lives must be in alignment. This approach is also applicable to the disciple of Jesus Christ. There are many people who would never read the Bible but they would certainly study our lives. And the way we live will determine whether they read the Holy Scriptures or decide on a personal journey with Jesus Christ. Far too many disciples of Jesus Christ still have a Christian journey that is limited to Sunday – that mountain-top experience. But during the week and as the week wears on the glorious shine of the mountain-top experience fades to expose the fragile human nature we all possess. We become stumbling blocks to those who need to hear the Word of God and to see in Christ’s disciples a lifestyle that emulates that of Jesus Christ. What we do must not betray what we say as the disciples of Christ. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
Mother's Day Messsage - by Ms. Angela Martins
Friday May 08, 2020
During these weeks of being locked down it has been a different time for us as mothers. Nothing seems the same as we knew it. We have struggled to find balance at times. We are mothers working from home, mothers homeschooling our children, women who just became a mother, mothers with young children and without our helpers, mothers who are daughters caring for elderly parents, mothers who are sisters who can only see parents and siblings on video chat, mothers without enough money to buy food, mothers with no transportation, mothers needing to find another place to live. Mothers with nothing but prayer in these dark days of Covid-19. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
Hope in Isolation
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
The coronavirus has made a huge impact on all our lives. Lockdown and self-isolation are the words of the moment. We are all trying to adjust to different ways of doing just about everything from work to shopping, from school to church. We are all struggling with the reality of being physically confined and cut off from family and friends. In many ways this new experience gives us a window into the regular experience of persecuted Christians, especially those who are in prison because of their faith. Hebrews 13:3 tells us to remember those in prison as if we were with them. And I think our present lockdown situation gives us a real opportunity to do that. (This article was written by James Fraser and it appeared on the website of Release International) please click here for more information (PDF file) |
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Dear sisters and brothers in the Crucified and Risen Lord, As the days of celebrating Easter approach, we would like to convey to you the traditional Christian greeting, which affirms the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and its powerful liberating message, bringing joy and hope to the world, overcoming fear and uncertainty— Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! CANAAC CHARTS COURSE FOR FUTURE After a year-long effort from members, the Caribbean and North American Area Council (CANAAC) has finalized their strategic plan document, “Moving Forward towards 2022: Living Faithfully, Building Relationships as a Communion” which will guide the region’s work together. “We felt it was necessary for us to produce this document as the standard bearer which reflects the main challenges impacting the church across our North-South spaces,” said Angela Martins, convener of the CANAAC Steering Committee. “It is our hope that this document establishes a legacy platform upon which the much-needed ecumenical work of CANAAC can be carried out in a sustainable manner into the future.” please click here for more information (PDF file) |
Dealing with Doubts and Fears
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
There is a CERTAINTY OF POWER & PURPOSE about the narrative in the Gospel of John 20: 19-31. (Please read this text quietly to yourself) (The POWER of that event is tied up in the person of that event – Jesus. It was his obedience that brought about the event. The PURPOSE is that we may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God). But this certainty of power and purpose are often undermined and challenged by DOUBTS and FEARS. Doubts and fears are what sometimes keep people out of the Church. Doubts and fears test our faith. Doubts and fears can also make faith stronger. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
LIFE Has the Last Word!
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Please join us as the UCJCI celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ together via an online Synodical Easter Sunday Service on April 12, 2020. Speaker and communion celebrant will be the Moderator, Rt. Rev. Dr. Gordon Cowans. The service will be streamed live from Webster Memorial United Church (Jamaica) at 8 a.m. Those who can not join in at that time will be able to participate in the service at 11 a.m. via WhatsApp. The Cost of Discipleship It may be fully justified to call 2020 the ‘Year of Covid-19’, for it will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on everything, from our personal lives to world history; nevertheless, we must bring back into focus our collective and personal mandate, namely, that the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands (UCJCI) has declared 2020 the Year of Evangelism! Although the global Covid-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented disruptions and drastic changes to our normal daily life, evangelism is still at the core of the Regional Mission Councils’ and Congregations’ activities for 2020. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
On this Palm Sunday, we are drawn again to reflect on Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem which was interpreted in different ways by those who were present at the scene over two thousand years. For some it was a spectacle, for others it raised the hope of political transformation, yet for others it was the opportunity for religious reform which would no doubt pose a threat to the temple-based theology of Judaism. please click here for more information (PDF file) |