United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands

CIRMC Weekly

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A Snapshot of the Father's Day Services

Friday Jun 21, 2024
Many of our churches celebrated Father's Day this past
Sunday. Befitting the occasion, the women took charge,
leading the worship, preaching, reading the Scripture
passages, making announcements, and leading the
prayers in our congregations. The children and youth
added a special touch with their contributions. Central
to the worship was the message on God as our Heavenly
Father and the biblical role of earthly fathers,
emphasizing their responsibilities and impact.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

Re-Ignited to Deepened Faith by God’s Spirit - Mr. Bryan Bothwell

Thursday Jun 13, 2024
This Sunday, June 16, 2024, Father’s Day will be
celebrated. We thank God for all those who share in
that crucial and joyful role of a father. The role is so
crucial that fathers and mothers are highlighted for
“honour” in the Ten Commandments! Though let us not
see that as an isolated requirement on children. How do
our children develop such noble character, that they are
able to honour us in word and deed?

please click here for more information (PDF file)

Re-Ignited to Deepened Faith When We Cry Out to God - Ms. Catherine Gomez

Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Please read 1 Samuel 8: 4 – 20

According to 1 Samuel 8: 4 – 20, Samuel’s sons forsook
the faith of their father, and the elders of Israel came
together, approached Samuel, and called for a King,
symbolizing the end of the era of the prophets. Samuel
was not pleased with this request, so he prayed to God.
God told Samuel, “Listen to all that the people are saying
to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have
rejected Me as their King.’ God viewed their request as
a lack of faith in God’s authority.

In our world today there are many things that indicate a
lack of faith in God’s authority. I offer three things:
fear, denial, and displaced faith.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

Re-Ignited to Deepened Faith by knowing God’s Spirit - Rev. Louis-Herard Sully

Thursday May 30, 2024
Please read 1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20)

Listening is the art of receiving sounds that are
processed and identified by our brain and then
converted into messages. But there are some sounds
that are received that may or may not be processed
because the language is unknown to our brain. When
one is familiar with a language, once it is being spoken,
your brain will process it and you will understand the
message from the sound that your brain received. Once
the language is unknown it will not be processed. To
know a language, you must learn it for your brain to be
familiar with it. For example: the world is speaking a
language through technology and many people refuse
to learn it. Which means some will be left behind as
technology evolves.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

Webster Memorial United Church (Bodden Town) Celebrates 170th Anniversary

Thursday May 23, 2024
The month-long 170th Anniversary Celebrations of the
Webster Memorial United Church, Bodden Town,
continued with a ‘Beach Party’ on Saturday, May 18,
2024, held at the Coe Wood Beach in Bodden Town.
From 10 AM to 3 PM, the local community was invited to
join in the festivities with live music performances, free
hamburgers and hot dogs, and a ‘grab-and-go’ (various
items, such as clothing, footwear, kitchen accessories,
toys, and more were free to take).

please click here for more information (PDF file)

The Church Today - Reignited by God’s Spirit - Rev. Dr. Yvette Noble-Bloomfield

Thursday May 16, 2024
Please read Acts 1:1-21
On May 19, 2024, the Church Universal will celebrate
the Day of Pentecost. This Sunday is also known as
Whitsunday. Pentecost commemorates the descent of
the Holy Spirit on the Disciples of Jesus who were
gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. This infilling
of the Holy Spirit enabled the once timid and afraid
Disciples and the others gathered to become the bold
proclaimers of the Gospel. Jesus had told them in Acts
1:8, that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit
(power/dynamis) and that they would become
witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaira, and the
uttermost parts of the earth. This promise of Jesus to the
Disciples was therefore fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost.
The Greek word Pentecost means fifty and the Jews
used the term to demarcate the Jewish agricultural
festival which occurred fifty days Pasch or Passover.
Pentecost celebrated the wheat harvest which was one
of the pilgrim festivals for the Jews. The celebration of
this festival accounted for the large throng that
gathered in Jerusalem who became witnesses to the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Disciples. Some of
the people present politely asked, ‘What does this
mean?’ Others concluded that those who were filled
with the Spirit were filled with new wine and therefore
were highly intoxicated. This was indeed a new moment
for the Disciples as they received the power of the Holy
Spirit and started to speak in languages that were
understood by all who were gathered in Jerusalem.

please click here for more information (PDF file)


Monday May 13, 2024
To all mothers, the United Church in Jamaica and the
Cayman Islands honor you as God’s nurturers to your

In the Bible, nurturing is conveyed using the Greek word
paideia, which denotes the training of a child and
includes giving instruction and discipline. The Latin
derivative of the word nurture means nourish. When
one nourishes a child, it implies cherishing, protecting,
and tending lovingly with care. Therefore, I am aware
that the words nurture and/or nourish in the Bible
include spiritual, educational, emotional, and physical
instruction and care of a child.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

My Life Journey - Mr. Michael Bowerman

Friday May 03, 2024
On May 1st, I reached a significant milestone in my life.
Inevitably, such a moment has caused me to reflect on
my journey of life, one that is unique, as everyone’s is,
but also has things in common with others. My
reflections on the years I have lived have caused me
think of some of the lessons for my life that God has
taught me. I trust you might indulge me as I share some
of these as a challenge and encouragement for those
who are believers.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

An Evening of Music

Thursday Apr 25, 2024
In support of the Lilla Nell Ebanks Music Fund

The John Gray Memorial Church Sanctuary (West Bay)
filled once again to its capacity on Sunday, April 21,
2024, at 6:30 pm as people from around the island
gathered for the second time for an evening of music
supporting the Lilla Nell Music Fund. The Fund was
created in November 2023 to advance education in
music and song amongst the children and young
people of the John Gray Memorial Church, including its
Youth Choir.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

Elmslie Memorial United Church Global Missions Conference

Thursday Apr 18, 2024
The Global Missions Committee of the Elmslie Memorial
United Church recently hosted its annual Global
Missions Conference. This week-long event brought
together individuals from diverse backgrounds under
the theme "Nations United for Christ." From April 10 to
April 14, 2024, congregants and guests gathered to
explore the call to mission and evangelization in today's

The conference's guest speakers included Bishop
Raphael Haule from the Ruvuma Anglican Diocese of
Tanzania and Mrs. Keitra Vilma, the Regional Director for
the Northern Caribbean with Operation Mobilization.
Their presentations offered theological and practical
perspectives and insights into global mission efforts.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands