United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Partnerships/Church Organizations

The United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands (UCJCI) – The main headquarters for the United Church is in Jamaica 

Cayman Islands Congregations with websites:
Elmslie Memorial United Church
John Gray Memorial United Church 
Savannah United Church
William Pouchie Memorial United Church 

Cayman Prep and High School - Cayman Prep and High School, owned and operated by the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.

Bethesda Counselling Centre  - Owned and operated by the Cayman Islands Regional Mission Council. Located at Unit 4, 68 Mary Street. For appointments please call 1-345-946-6575. 

Council for World Mission (CWM) - The Council for World Mission is a worldwide partnership of Christian churches. The 31 members (churches) are committed to sharing their resources of money, people, skills and insights globally to carry out God’s mission locally.

World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) 
The World Communion of Reformed Churches is committed to communion and justice and, in partnership with other ecumenical bodies and organizations, we participate in God’s mission in the world as we proclaim the saving grace and love of our Triune God by mutually working for: Christian unity and renewal in worship/ theology/ and spirituality, Justice, Eradication of poverty, Building right relations, Integrity of creation, Interfaith relations, Reconciliation, healing, peace and the transformation of both churches and society.

Organizations in Grand Cayman

Domestic Violence Help - The Cayman Islands Crisis Centre – 24 Hour Crisis Line 943-2422 (943-CICC); email

Legal Befrienders - Legal Befrienders Phone line (2-5pm) - 945-8869
 Initiated by the BPW Club, the Legal Befrienders is a group of lawyers that volunteer to provide free legal advice to victims of domestic violence. The programme is co-coordinated by Family Resource Centre.

Christian Guidance 

Bible App - Get a highly popular Bible app for your smartphone, Bible reading plans, and other tools

Not Ashamed - Check the "Not Ashamed" (to be a Christian) - and be challenged

Chain Prayers  - OR - Chain Prayers - CARE - see Index, under Don't you believe it? Conspiracies, Cons, Hoaxes then: "Chain Prayer!?? Lucky Charm?" For general hoaxes etc. spread by chain e-mails, see: truthorfiction.com/

Guide Post - Connecting people with uplifting stories of comfort and hope, prayer, and tools for faithful, positive living

Child Evangelism Fellowship - A fun and learning site for children, provided by Child Evangelism Fellowship


Stop Human Trafficking/Stop Enslavement 
- StopEnslavement.org: information and other links, etc. 
- SistersOfTheDivineSavior.org: what is human trafficking?
StopTheTraffik.org info (with links for special church services, and other actions that we can take)

Environment/Environmental Stewardship
– Conservation, Sustainability, Responsible Care for our (Global) Environment
Remember to: “Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle!” Recycling facilities have increased significantly in Cayman in recent years, though we all need to continue pushing for further improvements in this and in the other ways to reduce waste materials and our carbon footprint. Brochures and other tips on these subjects have been shared with our Congregations and we urge our Members to also share information on such initiatives amongst all of us.

Suicide Prevention
- "Depression is more than sadness" - More Than Sad is a program of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention that provides education for Teens, Teachers and other School Personnel about factors that put youth at risk for suicide, in particular depression and other mental disorders.

Stay drug free - advice for parents (and others) to help keep our children drug free.

Drug Rehab - Alcoholics Anonymous, perhaps the most well-known recovery support group, puts faith at the foreground of its philosophy. The role of faith in substance abuse treatment ranges from minimal to pervasive. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration supports more than 800 faith-based community organizations that span the spectrum of treatment methods.

Abstinence for Teenagers - True Love Waits - True Love Waits challenges teenagers and college students to make a commitment to sexual abstinence until marriage.

Stop Poverty - Christian Aid is a Christian organization that insists the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. We provide urgent, practical and effective assistance where need is great, tackling the effects of poverty as well as its root causes. http://www.christianaid.org.uk/aboutus/who/index.aspx


Oiko Credit - is a microcredit or microfinance business that has been transforming people's lives for over 30 years by providing small loans to help them start and carry on successful small businesses.


Elder's Training Registration Form 

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands