United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands

CIRMC Weekly

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CIRMC Weekly Update January 12, 2017

Friday Jan 13, 2017
In this weekly update our Regional Mission Council encourages members to spend more time as individuals, families and Congregations in prayer.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

CIRMC Weekly Update January 5, 2017

Friday Jan 06, 2017
In this weekly update our the Cayman Islands Regional Mission Council welcomes within the bounds of Council the Rev. Euthman Wray. Rev Wray comes to Council under the Settlement Policy as the Minister for the Robert Young Savannah Charge.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

Vacation Bible School - A Brief History by Rev Otto Menko

Monday Nov 30, -1
When preparing for their annual plan, most Congregations
include an old-time favorite, Vacation Bible School. For many
of us, it is almost impossible to imagine summer without this
staple of the church year. The acronym VBS conjures a rich
mixture of fond memories in our minds; days filled with Bible
stories, singing songs, making various crafts, playing games,
and having a lot of fun. Interestingly, it is as much anticipated
and enjoyed by volunteering grown-ups serving in various
capacities as by participating children.
VBS offers a very special opportunity to congregations to
engage the children of the church and community in a more
intense, more focused, more impactful way. Besides being
exposed to the message of the Bible day after day in various
activities, they also learn to ‘connect’ to the church
environment and its people, forming positive impressions in
their hearts and minds. Through our daily interactions with
them they begin to see the church as a big family with an open
heart, with love that welcomes, embraces, appreciates, and
eager to journey through life with them.
VBS in progress at the John Gray Memorial UC July 12,2021
The real benefit of VBS and indeed, the key to our ‘success’ as
Church lies not in what we are able to ‘drill’ into them about
God in a short week (or during the weekly Church/Sunday
School and other activities), but in the quality of relationships,
we can develop. No amount of religious teaching or fancy
programs can match the power of being exposed to persons who
are living examples of faith, who through their attitude,
behavior and actions display genuine and au

please click here for more information (PDF file)

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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands