United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Au Revoir to Rev. Dr. Colin Cowan

Au Revoir to Rev. Dr. Colin Cowan, a ‘favourite son’ of the Church.
The Rev. Dr. Colin Cowan, outgoing General Secretary of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, and his family were given a resounding send off by the Church at a Service of Farewell and Celebration at the Webster Memorial United Church in Kingston Jamaica on Sunday 5th December 2010. Twelve friends and colleagues from the United Church Regional Mission Council and Congregations in Cayman travelled to Jamaica to join in the Celebration and in the expressions of appreciation and farewell to them. While all the Regional Mission Councils, including Cayman, joined in the gift presented by the Church, a souvenir of Cayman, made for the occasion by Mrs. Carmen Conolly of East End, was  also presented to them, “to remind them of the prayers, pride and love of their friends in Cayman that would accompany them on their new journey”. The Rev. Dr. Cowan takes up the post of General Secretary of the Council for World Mission from the 1st January 2011 and they expect to move to London as soon as all Immigration requirements have been completed. . Click here for further details.

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Dec 09, 2010 15:36
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands