United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


The Ash Wednesday Prayer Summit

The Ash Wednesday Prayer Summit was a moving and renewing experience for partcipants again this year. As in most years, some people were heard to remark that they do not know why more of our members do not take part, as it is such a refreshing time of prayer, worship and fellowship in the peaceful and scenic seaside location of Prospect! As the gallery of pictures attached will show, at the appointed starting time of 7:30am the numbers were still small and some dark clouds had gathered! In fact, right about then the rain started, forcing us to move indoors! It is always so beautiful to start outside by the sea in the early morning (as the above picture from another year demonstrates). But this move did not dampen spirits, and soon the hall of the Prospect Youth Centre was resounding with another manifestation of the beauty of God's creation - music and the singing of about 70 voices, led by Mr. Noel Wallace on the keyboard! This year's focus was "Christ - the Source of Healing and Hope", with the meditation led by Rev. Rohan Forrester. The small group prayers centred on the five Synod priorities for 2011, for example on the "Ministry to Children", the concern to prod us was listed as "How do we ensure all our children enjoy, embrace and are empowered by the hope and healing of Christ?" A special blessing this year was to have our sister Joan Paige Bain and her husband Allemand and daughter Jirene worshipping and praying with us. Joan has been our Church's missionary nurse in Haiti for many years.

Posted by: Administrator Monday Mar 28, 2011 17:10
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands