United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


World Day of Prayer

World Day of Prayer will be celebrated in our Churches in East End, Bodden Town and West Bay on 4th March. All are invited to this important event in the world body of Christians, under the theme this year of, PRAYER CAN MULTIPLY THE LOAVES. Mark 6:30-44. The organisers point out that "This first Friday of March is always an exciting day as a great wave of prayer sweeps the world, beginning when the first service is held in Tonga and continuing around the world until the final service takes place, some 35 hours later, in neighbouring Western Samoa. By then the day will have been celebrated in over 170 countries." Be a part of this great event!
See further details, including information on the women of Chile, who led this year's prepartaions, here.

Posted by: Administrator Tuesday Mar 01, 2011 16:34
Categories: Bodden Town, East End, John Gray | Tags:

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands