United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Superb Saturday for Girls Brigade at Camp FISH!

Superb Saturday for Girls Brigade at Camp FISH! Over 100 Girls Brigaders of all ages and from all over the Island gathered at the Prospect Youth Centre on Saturday 26th March under the leadership of the GB Officers for a tremendous day of fun, devotions, learning (lots!), exploration, other activities – and food! It was a very full day – and it was reported that a week later some of the Leaders were still recovering! Local band ‘Swanky’ not only had the Girls dancing to the quadrille and other old-time Cayman music but even let them help play their fiddles and drums! Click here for more pictures and information.

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Apr 14, 2011 17:16
Categories: Youth | Tags: Prospect Youth Centre

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands