United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Savannah HOPE launched

Savannah HOPE launched. The Savannah United Church has launched a new mission seeking to assist vulnerable persons within the 17 – 25 age group who desire to pursue their educational and skills development locally. The Church notes that there are persons in this age group who find themselves unemployed and otherwise marginalised and unable to access empowerment opportunities because of a lack of adequate skills for employability, perhaps due to past involvement in the criminal justice system, early pregnancy, broken homes, parental challenges, etc. The Rev. Donovan Myers, Minister of the Savannah United Church, states that, “In recognition of the mandate of the Church to bring the good news of hope to all, Savannah HOPE is being offered as part of the Church’s response to vulnerable youth in the community. ... Consequently, Savannah Hope (His Opportunity for People Empowerment) will provide small grants to vulnerable youth, who would not qualify for assistance otherwise, to pursue short courses as part of their empowerment.”

The HOPE programme was officially launched at a service at the Church on Sunday 26th June, during which the Minster for Community Affairs, Gender and Housing, Hon. Mike Adam, brought greetings and commended the Congregation on this initiative. The Scripture texts were read by Hon. Rolston Anglin, Minister for Education, Training and Employment, and Hon. Mark Scotland, Minister for Health, Environment, Youth, Sports and Culture. The Cayman Islands Regional Mission Council of the United Church also participated in the service and commended the Minister and Congregation.

Posted by: Administrator Monday Jun 27, 2011 18:25
Categories: Savannah, Youth | Tags:

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands