United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


The annual ‘Communion with the Moderator’

The annual ‘Communion with the Moderator’ of the Cayman Islands
Regional Mission Council of the Church was held at the Mary Miller Memorial Hall on Pentecost Sunday June 12th. Rt. Rev. Oliver Daley, who was installed as Moderator at the 2011 Synod in April, officiated and preached the sermon. He entitled his message, “To Whom It May Concern”, making the point that God’s message was for everyone, but not everyone was concerned. If we are concerned, we need to receive the Holy Spirit as on the first Pentecost in Jerusalem after Christ’s death and resurrection and let God lead us to be re-enthused and re-energised to build and expand His Kingdom as God wants. He will not wait on us forever, the Moderator cautioned, and is very much at work in growing the Body of Christ throughout the world, using those who are concerned and who go out and build and strengthen. CrosstoModerator2011The General Secretary, the Rev. Norbert Stephens, also participated in the service. In recognition of Ministry Sunday for the United Church, he offered a prayer for people in Cayman to come forward to serve in the various ministries of the Church, with a special appeal for Caymanians to offer themselves for the Ordained Ministry. The Council presented Caymanite representations of ‘The Cross’ and ‘Bible’ to the Moderator and General Secretary, marking the Council’s welcome to them on taking up these offices. mGarciaPlaque2011Mrs. Margaret Garcia received her plaque from the Moderator commemorating her as a recipient of the Synod’s Honouring Lay Persons Award for 2011. Mr. John Macmillan had been the second recipient of this Award for 2011, but had received his plaque at the Synod in April, which Mrs. Garcia had been unable to attend.

Posted by: Administrator Tuesday Jun 14, 2011 18:14
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands