United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


“Becoming a Contagious Christian”

 “Becoming a Contagious Christian” returns to the Church after a gap of a few years, with Elmslie Memorial United Church offering the training programme in its new format starting September 4th. As some readers will recall, this is the popular evangelistic training programme developed as part of the “Building the Contagious Church” series by Bill Hybels and his team at the Willow Creek Community Church. As Rev. Dr. Dave Hazle of Elmslie explains: “It is designed to train each of us to talk about Jesus in a way that fits our personality. But why is this so important? This news about Jesus is not a private affair but news that God wants the whole world to know. The problem is that this life-saving act of God [through Jesus] is not automatically applied to human beings. Each person has to believe it and receive it for him or herself. God in his wisdom has chosen human agents to be the main means by which this information gets around.” For more information on joining the programme, please call Elmslie at 949-7923.

Posted by: Administrator Wednesday Aug 31, 2011 12:11
Categories: Elmslie | Tags:

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands