United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


“How to Help a Loved One with Drug or Alcohol Issues”

“How to Help a Loved One with Drug or Alcohol Issues” The Family Resource Centre has announced a training session on this critically important subject on 1 September 2011 from 6:00pm:--7:30pm at the Windjammer Plaza, Walkers Rd. (2nd Floor). In a release, the Centre notes that:
“One of the most difficult situations is trying to help a family member with addiction. It can be a confusing and even dangerous at times. The life of someone we love is wasting away unless something is done. Since our addicted loved one isn't doing any-thing, we naturally feel the need to bail them out. This is a recipe for disaster with most addicts.
Come and learn:
Nature Of Addiction
Do’s and Don’ts of helping
Understanding the Programmes available to you and your loved one
Register today at 949-0006 or email cindy.blekaitis@gov.ky

Posted by: Administrator Wednesday Aug 03, 2011 11:53
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands