United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Record Breaking Results At Cayman Prep & High School

 The Cayman Prep and High School has announced that 95% of the 2011 Year 11 students achieved the recognised measure of success in gaining five or more of the higher passes at grades A*– C in the GCSE/IGCSE examinations. The School states that, "In fact, 92% of these students gained 7 or more A*– C passes, with the 22 top-ranking students gaining 10 or 11 subject passes at these higher grades." The United Church, which owns and operates the School, has congratulated and commended all the students on their diligence and their outstanding IGCSE and GCSE Results. The message from the Church added that, "We thank God for His grace toward you and pray that you will continue to look to Him for nurture and guidance and commit yourselves to His leadership and Lordship. We also extend a big Thank You to the Management, Teachers and other Staff of the School for all your dedication to enhancing the lives of the students entrusted to your expertise and care. With your 100% pass rate and over 90% of the passes at the top grades of A* - C, we say to students and staff alike, Well Done!" Click here to see the School's press release.


Posted by: Administrator Monday Sep 05, 2011 12:14
Categories: students, Youth | Tags:

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands