United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Girls Brigade Celebrate 65 Years in Cayman, Founder’s 90th Birthday

 The Girls Brigade, an interdenominational organization which in Cayman is under the auspices of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, celebrated 65 years of empowering Girls, teaching them to Seek, Serve and Follow Christ, and turning them into dedicated leaders within the Brigade, the Church and the wider community, at a special dinner on 5th November 2011. Guest of (special) Honour was Mrs. Olive Miller, MBE, JP, who founded the Brigade in Cayman (then the Girls Guildry) in 1946, shortly after arriving in Cayman as a missionary to the Presbyterian Church (as the United Church was then known in Cayman).

Mrs._Miller_-_JGMC_Seniors__Oct_2006_033Mrs. Miller is still very active with the Girls Brigade in Cayman and has served as International Vice-President and International Patron to GB worldwide. She entertained everyone present with some of her reminisces of her time in the Brigade, including stories of leading a number of the ladies present at the event on trips to foreign gatherings of GB when they were Girls Brigaders.

Coincidentally, Mrs. Miller was to celebrate her 90th birthday the following week, on 9th November, and she was also honoured and congratulated by the gathering on that milestone. Many people subsequently thanked Mrs. Miller for the impact she had on their personal lives as well her service to the Church and the Cayman Islands through Girls Brigade, teaching at the Cayman Prep and High School, another mission of the Church with which she was involved in its early days, as a Pink Lady, NCVO stalwart, and in so many other roles! In fact, on her birthday the next week, students representing various classes of the Cayman Prep and High School (in which she continues to keep a keen interest) visited her and she also received beautifully decorated handmade cards from the little children of the NCVO’s pre-school. The United Church takes this opportunity to add our deep gratitude for the magnificent role that Mrs. Miller has served and continues to serve in our Church - a tremendous example of a disciple of Christ who selflessly shares His love and His Gospel with everyone, whether in Cayman, in our Children’s Homes in Jamaica, in Haiti or beyond.

The newly formed Girls Brigade Cayman Choir also entertained everyone at the dinner on 5th November with a beautiful song, written by no other than Mrs. Olive Miller!

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Mrs. Ethel Farrington was also recognized as the last of the original leaders of the first company of the Girls Brigade in West Bay when it was formed in 1946. Here (above right) she is seen with other leaders, past and present, of the GB Company in that District.

Ms. Debra McLaughlin, the current Chair of GB in Cayman, also presented gifts of appreciation to other current Officers and to a number of others who serve GB in Cayman, including the Ministers of our Congregations.

Posted by: Administrator Friday Nov 11, 2011 13:30
Categories: Youth | Tags: Girls, Girls Brigade

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands