United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


"Love your neighbour" alive and well at Cayman Prep and High School

 Students of the Cayman Prep and High School have been finding ways again this year to stretch some of their money in order to share with others in the community. The primary school has been collecting gifts for specific children across the Islands who were nominated by the Department of Children and Family Servcies, to ensure those children do receive some presents at Christmas, and through ARK (Acts of Random Kindness). While at the high school, the Student Council there took the initiative this year to turn their giving into a competition between classes and together donated a total of CI$4,200! They have given this money to the United Church to distribute to families in need, through the Church's congregations across Cayman. The Church has expressed its deep appreciation to the students, and the staff and parents, for this generous act of giving in the spirit of Christmas, as God gave to us. The Church noted that most of its congregations have experienced increased demand in the past year on its community pantries and other ministries for assisting in the communities, as a result of the worldwide economic difficulties. So this extra help will indeed allow some families and individuals across Grand Cayman to experience an extra blessing this Christmas, as they witness the caring love of Jesus Christ manifested in this way.

Posted by: Administrator Friday Dec 30, 2011 14:05
Categories: Christmas, students, Youth | Tags:

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands