United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Child Evangelism Fellowship Cayman Islands has reported that good progress is being made

  Child Evangelism Fellowship Cayman Islands has reported that good progress is being made in moving forward their work here in Cayman and in the training they have been providing for a growing number of participants in their mission. Mrs. Julene Banks, the Chair of CEF Cayman has noted that, “We want to work together to build a strong children's ministry to reach our children in pre-schools and primary schools and to undergird them as they move up into their teen years and young adulthood. We are hoping to be able to provide further workshop training during the period 12 -22 April. We also hope to offer training for teen peer leaders in August. Presently there are online courses available through https://online.cefmi.com. Please let us know of your interest by emailing us at cefcaymanislands@gmail.com.”

Posted by: Administrator Wednesday Mar 14, 2012 14:18
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands