United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Members Honoured with National Awards

A number of United Church Members and Adherents have been honoured for their individual services to the Cayman community and their contribution to the development of our major industries of finance and tourism or other key commercial, social or Government infrastructure of modern Cayman. They were amongst the select group who received National Awards, presented by the Honourable Premier on 26th May, as part of the Islands' celebrations of the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Persons from our Congregations who have so far been confirmed to Council as having received the Order of the Cayman Islands awards are: 

Medal of Honour – Commander
• Mr. Leonard Ebanks (for Banking and Community Services)
• Mr. Charlie Watler (for Church and Community Service)
• Mr. Lewie Ceto Hydes (Sr.) (for MRCU - Development and Civil Service) 

Medal of Merit - Gold
• Mr. Benjamin Ebanks (for Tourism)

Medal of Merit – Silver
• Ms. Marie Bush (for Tourism)

The Church extends sincere congratulations to all of them and adds our thanks for their many years of often groundbreaking service in the development of the Cayman Islands and their communities, as well as to the Church.

Posted by: Administrator Wednesday Jun 06, 2012 08:26
Categories: National Awards | Tags: John Gray, National Awards, North Side, Savannah

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands