United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Back to Church Sunday – 9th September

Everyone knows that for many of us it can be hard getting back into the groove of heading off to worship service every Sunday morning after having taken a break, whether because of vacation, illness or other circumstances. Sometimes the ‘break’ drags on – and on! But we equally know that God wants us to join in regular worship and fellowship, to help us in our daily lives and lead us to salvation and eternal life in Christ. And throughout the Bible God shows His yearning care for those who are not ‘in church’ (in the fold of those who follow Him) and to bring back those who have wandered off from His flock. So, taking the lead from the Back to Church Sunday movements in the UK, US, Australia, etc., the United Church has planned for a special Back to Church Sunday on 9th September, to coincide with the end of school holidays and traditional summer vacations for many. The date also recognises the anniversary of our Church’s arrival in Cayman on 11th September 1846 – when the people realised that the years living without a church hadn’t really been fun at all! So they eagerly greeted the opportunity to return to Church and to God, looking forward expectantly to the better way of life, which followed. In a similar way, we also recognise the need once again for us as a country ‘to turn back to God’ with enthusiasm and sincerity. Therefore, in all 9 of the United Church Congregations across Grand Cayman we are planning this special welcome back service to celebrate the ‘joy of the Lord’ (see times etc. below). All our members are being asked to make special efforts to follow God’s commands and invite their family members, friends, co-workers, schoolmates and others who haven’t been to a church recently or do not attend church regularly to come back to church, come back to God, with us that Sunday (and keep coming back). Be sure to do your part and get the invitation cards, etc. from your congregations and start telling others!

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Aug 09, 2012 08:42
Categories: | Tags: evangelism, starting over, strengthening

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands