United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Equipping for the Call to Eldership

During October and November the annual Elders Training Programme has been taking place at the Council Office in Prospect for those who have responded to, or are considering, a call on their lives to serve as Elders of their congregation. The Synod requires all Elders to have undertaken the course of training as we seek to ensure that the leaders of the congregations, and indeed of the Church at all levels, are Committed, Compassionate and Competent. The areas covered in the training are meant to give the participants a comprehensive overview of the main components of the duties of the Elder, and insight into these important areas of the Church’s ministry for which the Congregational Board is corporately responsible. The topics that are dealt with cover: The Call to be and Elder; The Role of the Elder in the Renewal of the Church; The Spirituality of the Elder: An Overview of the History, Doctrine and Structure of the United Church (including a look at the Renewal and Transformation Programme); The Congregational Board’s Responsibility for the Oversight of the Administration of the church, including a high level look at applicable risk management considerations etc. in the local congregation; the Marks of a Healthy Church;   Evangelism; Preparing and Leading Bible Study; The Elder as Zone Leader; The Elder as Caregiver - Guidance and Counselling; Stewardship; and one elective where the participants have the option of digging deeper into an area of ministry of their choice, with Introduction into Counselling Skills and Administration and Management of the Local Church normally being the most selected of these.
Pictured one recent Saturday at Prospect are Mr. Michael Bowerman, Facilitator for that day’s programme, together with: Mr. Billy Hanson – Savannah United; Mr. Rodney Green and Mrs. Jennifer Smith – George Hicks Memorial; Mr. Lomax and Mrs. Julie Rankine - Robert Young; Mrs. Carol Stephens – Webster Memorial, and Mrs.  Kay Kandler - John Gray Memorial. Others who have also been attending this year’s training are Mr. Ken Wright of John Gray and Mrs. Gwelda Conolly of East End United. (Picture compliments of Mrs. J. Smith)    

Posted by: Administrator Friday Nov 16, 2012 08:07
Categories: courses | Tags: Bodden Town, evangelism, John Gray, Renewal & Transformation, Savannah, strengthening

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands