United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands



One of the symbols of Christmas which I do not hear critics talking about much is the STAR OF BETHLEHEM. Much has been said and written about it, but it remains a mystery for many. Yet, one cannot deny the reality of that Star. Today, with all our modern way of life, there is little time to look at the night sky, so many do not appreciate what goes on in the atmosphere. There were the days when sailors and other travelers depended on the stars, sun and moon to guide them on their way. It was a natural thing to depend on the constellations. In old Cayman, and I feel sure in many other countries too, it was a joyful experience to spend some time in the glowing moonlight. 
The Gospel of Saint Matthew tells us that a special star led men from the east to the manger where the baby Jesus was born. I find it interesting that at the point when the wise men arrived   in Jerusalem, Jewish territory, they began to seek help other than that of the star, but when they continued on their journey, once again it was the same star that led them to the manger in Bethlehem. In Jerusalem they enquired” “Where is He that is born king of the Jews?” After all, someone should know. King Herod, eager to preserve his power and authority, was disturbed and at a loss. This was one time that he appealed to the chief priest and teachers of the law. Yet, his query was out of his selfish greed for power. It is so true that greed for power and authority still prevent many from surrendering to the Lord.
The wise men continued to Bethlehem and when they saw the star they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. May I point out that these wise men were not from Jewish territory but from another part of the world?  This is a report that demonstrates the wideness of God’s love for all people. “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” This is the message of Christmas.
May this time of worship and thanksgiving be one in which you and your families are blessed and made ready to meet with courage and determination all the challenges of life so that you may live a beautiful and fulfilling life.      
A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to you & family.
                                                             (Rev) Harry Bodden

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Dec 20, 2012 07:13
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands