United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


"Top in the World" Cambridge Exam Result at Cayman Prep and High

Moya Williams, a student at Cayman Prep and High School, has received the prestigious “Top in the World” award from Cambridge International Examinations to acknowledge her outstanding performance in the June 2012 Cambridge examination. Moya achieved the highest mark in the world in Travel &Tourism at AS-level .

This is the first year the School has offered the Travel and Tourism course at AS-Level. 12 students, including Moya, sat AS-Level Travel & Tourism, gaining 100% of the higher A –C grade passes. By comparison, the world cumulative A-C pass rate was only 34%. In addition to Moya, another CPHS student, Abby Hydes, also scored an A-grade giving the School a 16.7% A-grade pass level. The world cumulative was 2.1%. Cambridge International Examinations is the world’s largest provider of international education programmes and qualifications for 5 to 19 year olds. They are part of the University of Cambridge, one of the world’s top universities and trusted for excellence in education. Their qualifications are recognised by the world’s universities and employers.

“Bright future ahead”

Moya was presented with her Cambridge “Top in the World” award at a Celebration Assembly at Cayman Prep and High School on Thursday 17th January by the Director of Tourism, Mr. Shomari Scott and Miss Dianne Conolly, Tourism Training and Development Coordinator.
“This award has been a great achievement and success for me,” said Moya. “I was very surprised to have been awarded it, but it shows that all my hard work and dedication has greatly paid off. Hopefully I can maintain this high standard I have shown for myself at university level and return to the Cayman Islands to make a great contribution to society.”

Her teacher Mrs Jordan-Smillie (Head of Business Subjects at the School) added,
“We are all very proud of Moya! Her outstanding success is due to her hard work, dedication to her subject and experience of real life travel and tourism events on island. We are equally appreciative of the many local organisations and businesses that have been enthusiastic and helpful in assisting with real life experiences and sharing their knowledge with the Travel & Tourism students. We would like to say a special thank you to the DOT (especially Dianne Conolly), CITA, The Ritz-Carlton, Taste of Cayman, Sunset House, Red Sail, The Reef Resort, The Alexandra Hotel in the Brac, CIAA (Cayman Islands Airport Authority), CTO (Caribbean Tourism Organisation), Paradise, Atlantis Submarines, Ocean Frontiers and Compass Point and SITA (Sister Islands Tourism Association) for all their extra help. Introducing this subject to our School opens students’ eyes to different career paths and will hopefully encourage local Caymanian students to become part of, and lead the way in, our travel and tourism industry here on island.

The High School Principal, Mrs Sheila Purdom expressed her delight in yet another prestigious award for the School, reminiscing that the School has already been recognised with a “Top in the World” award for two of its former Marine Science Students. Congratulating Moya, Head Girl for 2012,  and her teacher, Mrs Natalie Jordan-Smillie, Mrs Purdom said that the award was a well-earned recognition of the talent, dedication and commitment of both student and teacher. 

In presenting the award to Moya, the Director of Tourism, Mr. Shomari Scott, congratulated her on receiving such a distinguished accolade and commented, “We must continue to hold our young people up when they achieve milestones such as this, and show as a country that we are all proud of this achievement. We at the Department of Tourism are very proud of Moya for attaining this level of success and earning, through her hard work, the best score in the world!   It is through the continued commitment of teachers such as Ms. Jordan- Smillie and our School Principals that we hope to see many more students attain this level of recognition as we continue to work together in developing tomorrow’s tourism leaders today.  I must also recognise the dedication of Ms. Conolly who facilitates the Tourism Education programme provided by DOT.  Together we can provide the foundation for many more students to embrace the tourism field when planning for their future careers.”

“… enormous talent in The Cayman Islands, … amongst learners … the teaching profession”

Ms Janet Morris, the Director of Communications and Customer Relationships at Cambridge International Examinations sent the following messages:
‘It is extremely rewarding to congratulate Cambridge learners and teachers at Cayman Prep and High School who have worked so hard to achieve tremendous success in Cambridge examinations. The results are a reflection of the enormous talent in The Cayman Islands, not only amongst learners but also within the teaching profession. Learners from Cayman Prep and High School have a bright future ahead of them, and I wish them every success in their future.’
The United Church  Council joined in congratulating Moya and the School for this outstanding accomplishment and reiterated its previous congratulations on the tremendous successes of its students in last year’s IGCSE and A-Level examinations.
Travel and Tourism is available as a subject at Cayman Prep and High School to study at both IGCSE and A-Level.
For more information about this course visit the school website www.cayprep.edu.ky

Posted by: Administrator Monday Jan 21, 2013 13:35
Categories: Cayman Prep, courses, students | Tags: exam results, students

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands