United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Child Month 2013 - Citation for Mr. Crawford

Child Month 2013 has been launched by Government with the theme this year of   “Care. Advocate. Protect.” The Hon, Dwayne Seymour, Minister with responsibility for Community Affairs has been quoted as stating that “This year’s theme pays tribute to the Children Law (2012 Revision) and reinforces our commitment to the children of the Cayman Islands. ... The basic principle of the Law is that the welfare of the child is of paramount importance in all matters.”
A special service to mark the start of Child Month was held at Elmslie Memorial United Church on Sunday 5th May and participants included children and other young people as well as adult leaders from our Church and Cayman Prep and High School. Mr. Herbert Crawford, Lay Pastor of the Savannah United Church and long serving leader in the Government Education System (as well as with young people in the Church, Scouts, etc.), was presented the award of the Caroline Patricia Williams Citation by the Department of Children and Family Services in recognition of his dedication and the extent of his contributions in this area.

Posted by: Administrator Wednesday May 08, 2013 15:10
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands