United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


General Elections Worship Service

A special worship service in respect of the General Elections will be held on Sunday 19th May at 5pm at the Elmslie Memorial United Church in George Town. The recently installed Moderator of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Yvette Noble Bloomfield, will be the preacher.

The Church recognises the tremendous contribution so many people make in respect of the democratic government which we are privileged to enjoy, whether those who offer themselves to govern the Nation or those who are responsible for the integrity and effectiveness of the many aspects of the elections process, and it wishes to give thanks for them. And in Cayman, where our Constitution proudly recognises the unarguable role of our ‘Christian heritage and its enduring influence and contribution in shaping  the spiritual, moral and social values that have guided [our] development and brought peace, prosperity and stability to [our] Islands’, it is right that we continue to give thanks to God for this blessing.

It is also appropriate here in Cayman to recognise the significance of the intention declared in the Constitution “to [continue to] be a God-fearing country based on traditional Christian values”. This speaks very clearly of the standards required of everyone involved in the General Elections process, Candidates, voters, Elections Officials and staff, the news media and others.  So, in the service we will be lifting all of this up to God and seeking to encourage and help everyone involved to grapple with what the breadth and depth of Christ’s love and humility and His precepts of that which is just and right demand of us all. It is a public service and therefore the Church hopes that there will be a large turnout from the Christian community, including the Candidates and other participants, to seek God’s blessings and directions as the Country chooses its next Legislators.

Posted by: Administrator Wednesday May 15, 2013 14:15
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands