United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


New Name to Reignite Passion of Old Namesake - South Sound United

In a move that they feel will help them to become closer and more relevant to their present community, the former George Hicks United Church Congregation was renamed the South Sound United Church in a renaming service on 16th June. The Rev. George Hicks, a fiery and passionate Presbyterian Minister who served in meagre conditions as a missionary and educator in Cayman from 1936-61, would have been pleased to see this revival of commitment by the Congregation to bring others to a redeemed relationship with Christ, as he had dedicated his whole life to doing. South Sound was one of the congregations he had served for that extended period, and in presenting its history, Elder Mr. Bud Johnson noted that when others had at one time wanted to close the mission, Rev. Hicks had prevailed to keep it going. (Rev. Hicks also served as the Government Inspector of Schools for part of his time ministering in Cayman, as well as the first – temporary - Head Master of the Cayman High School, now the Cayman Prep and High School, at its launch in 1949, and continued to teach there for many years as part of his selfless service to God and our Church.)

At the same service, the sanctuary that houses the congregation was named in memory of Rev. Hicks, so that the dedication of so much of his life to helping the people of Cayman find salvation, in a time when very few people from elsewhere wanted to live in the poor and difficult conditions here, can continue to be honoured, as it definitely deserves to be.

In examining the state of its mission, the Congregational leadership recognised that in the reality of today’s Cayman relatively few people (mainly older Caymanians) were aware of the significance of the name of George Hicks. Therefore a name that would resonate much more with the current population of the community might help the Church to gain a hearing from its new neighbours and help them to re-present the caring love of Christ to more people in need of a relationship with God and the fellowship of other Believers. The change of name was then approved by the Council and the Synod, though the General Secretary was anxious to ensure that the memory of Rev. Hicks’ faithful, sacrificial service in Cayman continued to be honoured publicly.

In the renaming ceremony, led by the Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Yvette Noble Bloomfield, the Congregation pledged to rededicate themselves to God and to offer to serve the South Sound Community as agents of God’s love and bearers of the Gospel of Christ.  The South Sound area has mushroomed in recent years as a prime residential area and there is therefore tremendous potential for the congregation. For inspiration to keep them motivated for the tireless drive that will be required to carry out God’s mission, they need look no further than the name on the sanctuary, the Rev. George Hicks, an epitome of faithful devotion to the Gospel and to Christ’s commission.

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Jun 27, 2013 13:42
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands