United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Girls Brigade Hosts International Gathering

Under the theme: “ Christ is Love ... Let the Whole World Know”, the Cayman Islands Girls Brigade has been hosting the Girls Brigade   Caribbean and Americas Fellowship (“CAF”) Camp 2013 and the AGM of the CAF. An Opening Service was held at Elmslie Memorial United Church on Monday 15th July 2013, the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands being the sponsoring and host Church for GB in Cayman. On completion of the service, the Girls and Officers made an impressive sight (pictured) as they smartly marched around central George Town, with the flags of their different companies from the various countries in the Caribbean and North America represented at the Camp. As a number of onlookers in the Churchyard joked, Ms. Madda Whittaker, the Officer commanding the march, obviously led them on a very ‘quick-march’, judging by the short time it took for them to get back to Elmslie! 
The Cayman GB has arranged a full itinerary for the Camp, allowing the visitors to participate in a number of the activities the local Girls do for their four-dimensional programme – including local service opportunities and Cayman crafts. They have also rolled out the full depth of old-fashioned  Caymanian hospitality, showing their guests the major attractions, sea-based activities, fabulous Cayman food, etc.!
The Premier of the Cayman Islands, Hon. Alden McLaughlin MBE, JP, attended the Opening Service and brought greetings and welcome on behalf of the Government. Also in attendance officially from the Government was Chief Officer Mrs. Jennifer Ahern. Mr. McLaughlin also commended Girls Brigade on their excellent work over the years in helping to develop girls to strive for and give of their best. He had special words of gratitude and commendation for Mrs. Olive Miller, MBE, JP, who founded the Girls Brigade (at that time the Girls Guildry) in Cayman in 1946. Other speakers echoed the words of admiration for Mrs. Miller, who, almost 70 years after founding the Movement here, is still going strong in GB and other Christian missions in Cayman, Jamaica and elsewhere – and fully participated in the Camp, including ‘roughing it’ at the Prospect Youth Centre for the week! Moderator of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, Rev. Dr. Yvette Noble Bloomfield, used the text of ‘The Good Samaritan’ parable from the Gospel of Luke to bring a challenging and informative reflection around the Camp theme, that Christ is indeed Love, and the opportunities and dangers in how we live our lives as Christians as to whether the world will get to know that to be true.
After the sermon, Mrs. Connie Gumbs, Deputy Chair of the CAF then declared the Camp officially open (in the absence of the Chairperson, Mrs. Hazle Ann Hannaway, who unfortunately had had to return home unexpectedly shortly after getting here).  

Posted by: Administrator Friday Jul 19, 2013 13:07
Categories: Cayman Islands, Youth | Tags: children, Girls, Girls Brigade, helping others, Jesus, Prospect Youth Centre, strengthening, Worship

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands