United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands



Mrs. Casandra Morris and Mr Noel Wallace, who, once again (for which the Church must be especially grateful) served as  Camp Coordinator and Camp Director, respectively, have reported their delight with the attendance and other outcomes at this year’s Teens’ and Children’s Camps. They have pointed out that “the 2013 Summer Camps had a total of 70 campers, the most we have seen in over ten years. The Ministry also had a total of 12 leaders, many of whom were young leaders whom the Youth Ministry Enrichment and Leadership National Executive (“YLNE”) has been grooming over the past two years to take up leadership roles within the Church. Leaders mainly represented Savannah United, Webster Memorial, Elmslie, John Gray and two from Regional Councils in Jamaica. We were happy to welcome the Moderator as a guest speaker at the closing of both camps who challenged not only the young people but parents and leaders as well. You can view her challenge at www.youtube.com/unitedchurchcayman. The camps proved to be an overall success with little issues affecting the life of the camps.
Activities for the week included praise and worship, bible study, chaplain meditations, beach devotions, games, evangelism, creativity centers, and educational seminars.
The 2013 theme was Jesus is our Hip Hop Hope. Hip-hop culture is global! One might be amazed to discover that its originating goal was “Love, Peace, Unity, and Having Fun!” While this goal got lost in certain negative societal characteristics, the 2013 Abingdon Press Bible and Arts program, Hip-Hop Hope: Jesus Makes Me Glad, was a perfect opportunity to offer Jesus as the ultimate DJ, who scratches out new songs of hope.”
The Coordinator also reported that 8 young people made first time commitments to Christ during the Camps and 33 recommitted. And she has noted the need to help our children and teens learn to hold fast to their commitments and appreciate the gravity of this act and to continue their growth in Christ. The YLNE is also looking at how to help the young adults in the leadership roles strengthen their spiritual maturity and Bible teaching/discipling capabilities.

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Aug 15, 2013 14:38
Categories: | Tags: Boys, children, evangelism, Girls

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands