United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Record Top Exam Passes At Cayman Prep

The percentages of top A*- B passes in A-Level, AS Level, and I/GCSE examinations at Cayman Prep and High School continued to show improvement this year. While the School obviously could not top its 100% achievement for students gaining 5 or more I/GCSE passes at A*- C that it reached in 2012, a feat equalled by only 38% of schools within the Independent Schools Council in the UK, the increases in A*-B results in all three exam levels are very commendable.

Even at A2-Level, A*- B passes reached 41%; A*- C passes rose to 77%.
100% of subject entries were within the A* - E grades, all passes at A-Levels, marginally better than the UK schools of the Independent Schools Council (“ISC”), as published for their 2012 results.

The School had put emphasis on increasing the passes at the top grades because of the entry requirements at the best universities, particularly in the UK, on which an increasing number of Cayman students now set their sights.  In that regard, the top performing A-Level student, Justino Rodrigues, with an outstanding combination of two A* and 2 A passes, was accepted for studies in Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College, London. Coincidentally, in a BBC report on 10th September this university was reported as having been ranked fifth in the world in a recently published global table, just ahead of Oxford University!

In the I/GCSE examinations, the percentage of students getting 10 or more at A*-C increased again, to 66%. These students truly had outstanding results, including Francella Martin with 10 A* and 1A, Utkarsha Basu with 9 A* and 2 A, and Charlotte Hinds with 8 A* and 3 A grades! And the total percentage of passes at A* - C increased marginally, to 94%, which was enough to put us level with the A*-C results of the ISC UK schools in 2012. This would normally be regarded as good company with which to reach a tie, if it were a competition!
And this year our A*- B passes at I/GCSE increased to 76%.

All the students certainly deserve congratulations for these great results and the efforts to which they are a testimony, and so do the teachers and leaders throughout the School – well done indeed!

Posted by: Administrator Friday Sep 20, 2013 15:37
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands