United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


“Let’s Stay Together”

Elmslie United Church has launched the plans and promotion for the 2014 series of the popular marriage enrichment programme, “Let’s Stay Together”, which they have offered very successfully each year since Valentine’s Day 2011! This year, the starting night will be on Monday February 17th from 7 – 9pm and continue each Monday evening, same time, for a total of 8 nights. As in previous years, the series will be hosted by Margaritaville, right next door to Elmslie on Harbour Drive, George Town.
At this year’s press launch, the Minister of Elmslie United Church, the Rev. Dr. Dave Hazle, and two members of the Church’s coordinating Team, Mrs. Elitia Vassell and Mr. Walling Whittaker, provided details of the series, which utilises and follows the worldwide Alpha Marriage Course. They stressed that there is no group work/discussions. Couples sit together at their own private table, with background music playing to help ensure only the husband and wife are privy to what they have to say to one another. After the meal, compliments of Margaritaville, the Alpha DVD presentation for that night’s topic is presented, interspersed with more time for the couple to privately discuss the subject. The topics are very fundamental for good marriages and include:
• Building Strong Foundations
• The Art of Communication
• Resolving Conflict
• The Power of Forgiveness
• The Impact of Family – Past and Present
• Good Sex
• Love in Action
The Team also stressed that the series is for any married couple “who wants a strong and lasting relationship, whether you have been married 4 months or 40 years, whether your marriage is ‘rock solid’ or ’on the rocks’.” It was noted that strong marriages are to be celebrated as they make for strong families and strong communities.  And this is very important given the rates of divorce worldwide (and Rev. Hazle referred to a UN report in 2010 that listed Cayman as having the 5th highest rate in the world!) – but it does not have to be like that.  One couple, who had already celebrated 50 years of marriage when they attended the first series in Cayman in 2011, stressed how happy they were to have seen that younger couples had this resource to help them learn some of the many important things that they had had to discover for themselves ‘the long way’, over that 50 years! For as most speakers touched on, strong marriages need, in addition to love and commitment, the understanding and insights that many of these topics can help us better appreciate. So the Church is seeking to make this available to help couples enjoy the joyous fulsomeness of married life.
Due to the investment that Margaritaville makes in this programme, and promotional funding sponsored by Mr. Jeffrey DaCosta of Paint Pros, the total cost per couple is only CI$50 . As one speaker at the launch noted, there is nowhere else you can get even one romantic night out with a nice meal for this price, much less the 8 nights covered by this one fee! In addition, Elmslie United will provide child care if you need it, at the Church Hall next door. To register, please call 949-7923 Tuesdays to Thursdays 9am – 3pm or e-mail Elmslie@candw.ky.

Posted by: Administrator Monday Jan 13, 2014 12:58
Categories: Elmslie, Encouragement | Tags: Marriage, Renewal & Transformation, strengthening

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands