United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Update from our Haiti Mission

Our long-serving Missionary Nurse to Haiti, Mrs. Joan Page Bain, has recently sent an update on the recent activities of our Church’s mission in Haiti, which under Joan’s guidance has expanded over the years beyond the direct medical services of the original Clinic. It now includes training of ‘Nurse Practitioners’, which expands the ability to provide medical services much more widely as well as providing Government approved employment for those who qualify, and a much needed meals programme for children (primarily). With the help of her husband Allemand, training and supplies are also provided to help people get started in small farming projects. Joan and Allemand, who is a full time teacher but also passionately involved in many areas of ‘mission’, including the teaching ministry, centre all they do in the spreading of the Good News as they share God’s love with all, ministering to the spiritual and material needs of their neighbours over a wide and often difficult area (from their base in the Guichard, Les Cayes area). Below are excerpts from Joan’s update on some of her work with our sisters and brothers in Haiti (there is still much more we can each do to help her amongst so many who need to experience the caring love of Christ): 

The Clinic has been faithfully serving its population of 6,445. However many outside of our geographical range have been seen and especially for Pap Tests (cervical cancer screening). There have been many cases of malaria in the recent months. Thanks to the State that now supplies free medication for treatment of the disease. We hope that soon we will also receive chemical reagent for testing.  Doctor Mary visited in September and Doctor Frank in October. They worked in the dispensary and also in the community. We went to Anadere, a mountainous community, where 80 patients were seen, most of whom were elderly and arthritic. We felt this was satisfying to the many who would not have been able to descend these hills to get help.

The nutrition centre has acquired a solar oven, which is used to prepare our children' meals when the sun shines. Our propane gas is reserved for rainy days!

Our students in the Nurse Practitioner Programme graduated on December 7. It was a great occasion, the journey having begun away back in 1998. The Ministry of Health and other National dignitaries were in attendance. We announced our next class for which registration will begin in February, 2014.”

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Jan 02, 2014 09:00
Categories: | Tags: children, evangelism, Haiti, helping others, strengthening

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands