United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Visit of General Secretary of World Communion of Reformed Churches

The Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi, General Secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (“WCRC”), paid a brief visit to Cayman from 22nd to 24th March, taking two days out from a round of meetings in Jamaica to do so. The Rev. Dr. Nyomi is from the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Ghana, and is now nearing the end of his second and seven year final term as General Secretary of WCRC. Most of those 14 years were spent in Geneva, until the WCRC moved its headquarters to Hanover, Germany late last year. This was mainly because of cost considerations, said Dr. Nyomi, especially as the Swiss Franc continues to appreciate in value against the currencies of most the 108 home nations of its 229 member Denominations. While in Cayman he met with the Ministers and Deputy General Secretary at a luncheon at the home of the Chair of the Cayman Council, the Rev. Tara Tyme Campbell and preached at the John Gray Memorial United Church on Sunday 23rd March. There he brought greetings from the last WCRC member church he had preached at before visiting Cayman, in Lebanon, and said that as was his custom he would take greetings from John Gray to Poland, where he is next scheduled to preach on a visit to member churches there.  One member at John Gray reflected on how this drove home the fact that we are all one family of the worldwide Church – and our responsibility for worldwide issues like the care of the Syrian refugees now crowding into Lebanon, of which Dr. Nyomi also spoke.  Our current Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Yvette Noble Bloomfield, also serves as a Vice-President of WCRC.

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Apr 03, 2014 12:40
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands