United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


“Have life and have it more abundantly” – at John Gray throughout June

“I have come that they might have LIFE and have it more abundantly” – St. John 10: 10
Every Sunday in June at its 10am services, plus at outdoor services 3 nights, John Gray Memorial Church in West Bay will be exploring the wonderful extent of Christ’s own words, that He came to earth so that everyone could “have life and have it more abundantly”. The Church has declared that there is no need for our friends, relatives, and others in the community to be dying without having experienced the truth of this abundant life and without securing eternal life in heaven. And that is true no matter how ‘messy’ life has become for anyone and that is why John Gray will proclaim the message: “In Christ, U-Turns Allowed!” It is so easy in life to head down roads that go nowhere in the end but to dead-ends, precipices and pain, but Christ came so we could all make the U-turn and come back to God’s salvation. For full details please see the flyer by clicking here. Please join them for these life changing explorations – they truly are for everyone!

When the way ahead seems filled with dead-ends, danger or disaster,
‘Fear Not! For I bring you Good News:’ In Christ, U-Turns Allowed!

Posted by: Administrator Friday May 16, 2014 14:37
Categories: John Gray | Tags: adversity, back to God, bent, children, emotional burdens, encouragement, evangelism, fallen, John Gray, new creation, new life, Prayer, Renewal & Transformation, starting over, strengthening, Worship

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands