United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


"Our Babies" Mission Project

"Our Babies" Mission Project 

Article by: Ms. Angela Martins 

Samaritan's Purse Children's Heart Project brought Sondor, Enkhmaa and Myagmarmaa, three babies 9 – 12 and 18 months, their moms and two Interpreters in late January from Mongolia to
Shetty Hospital, all the children are in need of heart surgeries. So far, two of them have had their surgeries, Enkhmaa is still awaiting hers.

These babies needed a host church to surround them for the recovery period, The Robert Young/Savannah Charge signed on and a member of Savannah United, Miss Angela Martins, opened her home to them as the host family home. In preparing for this mission project, “Our Babies”, Mark 9: 37 “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.” became the guide post for our church family. This scripture has come alive in the countless ways members and adherents shared time, talent and treasure to help prepare for ‘Our Babies’ coming home and since. The heart of the Robert Young/Savannah charge has poured out far beyond money, persons wanting to do the smallest things to help with these families, this was encouraged.


While the Moms do not have a Christian background, they have readily engaged in Bible study
both while in the hospital with the Interpreters and now after the discharge of Sondor and Myagmarmaa home to Miss Angela, this continues daily. The Moms and babies will attend Service each Sunday. Socially, these moms like Volleyball and would like to play while here in Cayman. This Mission project has become a very tender space for Olga and Rollin Gourzong from Savannah United, (Olga is a member of the planning team for this Mission project). Baby Enkhmaa celebrated her 1st Birthday on 20th February 2018 which is also the birthday of their only child Michael who they lost tragically two years ago. Enkhmaa has quickly become a joyful blessing to both of them. Enkhmaa took to Mrs. Olga when they met for the first time on her birthday. It was a sweet celebration for both Olga and Nyamka, Enkhmaa’s mom.


Sondor, and Myagmarmaa and their moms will travel back to Mongolia on the 5th March. The Robert Young/Savannah charge will continue to support Enkhmaa and her mom through her surgery and until she is discharged to travel back to Mongolia. Olga is happy, Enkhmaa is here a little while
longer! We thank Samaritan's Purse for this opportunity to serve these little ones and we give thanks to Almighty God for all that they are teaching us as individuals and as a church.


Posted by: Communications Team Friday Feb 23, 2018 09:17
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands