United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


UCJCI Calls For Peace

A Declaration and Promotion of a State of Peace for Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
Article by: Rev. Dr. Yvette Noble Bloomfield (RDGS)

The United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands has launched a Peace Promotion Initiative and it is constituted in the theme of our upcoming Convocation, “Discipleship for Life: Disciples of Peace”. We have declared a State of Peace in our countries, and will undertake symbolic activities that directly or indirectly engender peace in different aspects of our lives and broader community.

PEACE for us means- Pursing Effective Associations through Christ-centred Effort

It commenced on February 14, 2018 – Ash Wednesday – at the Gathering held at the Savannah United Church and at the Day of Fellowship events in Jamaica. The State of Peace will promote the celebration of peace that already exists in our various communities and nations. More importantly, it will also enjoin and encourage the whole church to become disciples of peace – Peacemakers – cooperating with God to create a world of peace, justice, and righteousness. Ultimately, the State of Peace will reach out to citizens of our two (2) nations to become activists for peace.

The Peace Promotion Initiative is being undertaken in three phases:
1. PRE-CONVOCATION INITIATIVE – February 14, 2018 to April 8, 2018
2. CONVOCATION – April 15, 2018 (Jamaica)/April 22, 2018 (Cayman)
3. POST-CONVOCATION INITIATIVE – April 22, 2018 to June 24, 2018

1. Sunday, February 18, 2018: PEACE IN OUR HOMES Invite to the peace table families in our congregations that are challenged because of conflict, and/or violence. The congregants will stand and join hands, as the Minister/Lay Pastor leads in prayer for them.

2. Sunday, February 25, 2018: PEACE IN OUR COMMUNITIES Invite representatives of neighbouring communities to join us for worship. (They may already be represented in the congregation.) We invite them to the peace table; they join hands while the congregants stand and pray, led by the Minister/Lay Pastor, for peace or sustained peace in their communities.

3. Sunday, March 4, 2018: PEACE IN OUR SCHOOLS Students wear their uniform to church, and are prayed for, along with teachers and principals from the congregation, by the Minister/Lay Pastor and Church. We invite youth groups within the congregations to offer a dramatic presentation that promotes peace in schools.

4. Sunday, March 11, 2018: PEACE IN THE CONGREGATION The preacher ministers around the issue of PEACE IN THE LOCAL CONGREGATION; and the sermon is linked to the proposed Synodical Sub focus for the week: “How to Use the Word in Decision-making”. What does the Word of God say about how our decisions impact the peace between Believers in Christ? Invite to the peace table for prayer members of the congregation who are challenged by situations of conflict within the congregation. The Minister/Lay Pastor prays for them.

5. Sunday, March 18, 2018: PEACE ACROSS DENOMINATIONS Invite members of five (5) denominations to our worship service. They are invited to the peace table, along with a member of The United Church; they all join hands, as the Minister/Lay Pastor prays for unity among believers across denominations. The congregation stands and joins hands in solidarity.

6. Sunday, March 25, 2018: PEACE IN OUR DISTRICTS Invite to the peace table for prayer, persons who work in the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) and Judiciary, as well as Justices of the Peace, Mediators, and Political Representatives from the constituency within which the church is located. The Minister/Lay Pastor and congregation join hands and pray for them and their work in the districts.

7. Sunday, April 1, 2018 (Easter Sunday): PEACE IN OUR NATION Use as Worship Petition/Motif: “Open for me The Gates of Resurrection; I will enter and give thanks for life.” (Texts: Deuteronomy 30:11-20; John 10:1-10; Psalm 30.) Invite the congregation to declare: “Let there be peace in Jamaica/the Cayman Islands and let it begin with me”. Close the worship service with the singing of the National Song (Cayman).

8. Sunday, April 8, 2018 (Second Sunday of Easter): PEACE IN THE WORLD Use as Worship Petition/Motif: “Open for me The Gates of Rejuvenation; I will enter and give thanks for creativity and use it to change the world.” (Texts: Psalm 103; Isaiah 40:25-31; 2 Timothy 2:20-26.) Have a child read a poem of “PEACE” as the benediction. The poem will be printed in the Order of Service.

World Peace by Pauline DiBenedetto
WORLD PEACE is what we now need.
Forget the STRIFE! Let go of GREED.
Give up your ANGER, and abandon HATE!
To have WORLD PEACE, we must take a STAND;
God placed the POWER in “ALL” of our HANDS.
We can’t just HOPE WORLD PEACE will COME.
We need to ACT, for the TIME has COME.
It’s up to “ME” and it’s up to “YOU!
Let us WITNESS what the POWER of LOVE CAN DO!

Posted by: Communications Team Friday Mar 02, 2018 09:52
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands