United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Women's Fellowship (CIRMC) Executive Committee 2018-2020

The Cayman Islands Regional Mission Council Women's Fellowship had its Annual General Meeting on Saturday, September 8, 2018. A new Executive Committee was elected.
The new Executive Members are from left to right: Darlene Glidden- Service Committee, Tesha Thomas -Vice President, Yvette Noble Bloomfield- RDGS, Carol Ann Ebanks-President, Isabell Bodden-Recreational Committee, Jacynthia Anderson - Treasurer, Francine Gardner- Recreational Committee, Jennifer Dilbert - Secretary, Ora Hollebon- Asst. Secretary, Katherine Jackson- Programme and Literature Committee, Absent from picture Maxine Bravo- Recreational Committee.

Posted by: Administrator Tuesday Sep 11, 2018 07:25
Categories: Women | Tags: Women's Fellowship

United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands