United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands



In the United Church, camps have long been an effective way to expose children and teenagers to the teachings of Christ and God’s love and righteousness in a fun setting that also provides a sense of excitement for our youth.
LOCATION Both camps are held at The Prospect Youth Centre by the seaside. Owned and operated by the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, the centre provides a quiet and private atmosphere, for the UCJCI Summer Camps.
LEADERSHIP Many of the Church’s Ministers and lay leaders made their commitment to Christ at a camp! And so the leaders are often these same Ministers and lay people.
WHO CAN ATTEND? Children’s Camp is for children 8-12 and takes place July 1318. Teens Camp is for teens who are 13-17 and takes place July 6-11.
2019 CAMP THEME The 2019 camp theme is “Movin’ Wid De Mishun” and will encourage campers to have an active faith. To “Go” out into the world and proclaim The Gospel. For the week, we will focus on how power is given through the Holy Spirit to leave the 4 walls of the church and make disciples for Christ. We will use “The Great Commission” as our biblical guide for how to live life on mission.
ACTIVITIES Campers will take part in many engaging activities throughout the week including: Battle of the Ages, Rising Star, Creativity Centers, Bible Study, Praise Party, Camp Banquet, Beach Day, Mission Work, and much more. There’s truly something exciting to do each day of camp.
REGISTRATION To register for the 2019 camp please obtain a registration form from your congregation’s Youth Leader. We ask that all completed registration forms be returned to your Youth Leader no later than June 14th.

Posted by: Administrator Monday Jun 24, 2019 14:20
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands