United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands



Once again, we pause to recognize the work of the Women’s Fellowship in the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, as we celebrate 28 years of our existence since the Union which made us the Women’s Fellowship. Our organization has proven to be a formidable one, as we live out our motto “By Love Serve”.
Throughout Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, we continue to make our presence felt, as we face the challenges of the day and seek to make a difference in the lives of those with whom we interact.
Our theme for the year is: “Worship: The Essence of Acknowledging God” and what better way can we express our worship to God but by being obedient to God’s call for us to be true disciples. 
Our Church has declared this the Year of Evangelism, and in response, each of us is required to do our part to ensure that we bring the Word of God to all with whom we come into contact. We must be bold in proclaiming the Good News to our own family members, neighbours, friends, colleagues and acquaintances.  
Already our sisters in the various Councils have begun to put in place plans for training for those who feel inadequate in this area of ministry. The goal is to empower our members to be bold in witnessing to others. Please avail yourselves of these opportunities for training as they present themselves.
The Women’s Fellowship is in an ideal position to be evangelists, as in our Fellowships, our programmes focus on outreach ministries. While we provide for their physical needs, we must be more deliberate and intentional in creating the opportunities to feed persons with spiritual nourishment as well. 
During the course of this week, I urge all Fellowships to reach out to the unsaved and unchurched, and to continue to do so throughout the entire year. It is indeed our Christian duty and responsibility.
John 4:23 says: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks” (NIVUK). May we be counted among this number.

Pauline Bryan President-General


Posted by: Administrator Wednesday Jan 29, 2020 11:21
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands