United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Mrs. Olive Miller November 9 ,1921 - May 19, 2020

Tribute to  Mrs. Olive Miller
Very rarely should we use the word legacy as this conveys a powerful image whether negatively or positively. Neither should we become preoccupied with leaving a legacy, as if we become  too obsessed  our legacy will develop into a selfish agenda as against a program of doing all for the benefit of others and to bring glory to God alone.
For Mrs. Olive Miller, there is no hesitation to speak of her life itself as a legacy to the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands and indeed to the wider Cayman Islands. She served lowly and she intermingled with the best in the societies.  Her name became a household one among the  Girls’ Brigade Explorers and her name has lingered on the lips of the Premier and the Governor. Such was the nature of Ms. Olive.
The Girls’ Brigade, Cayman High School, Pink Ladies, NCVO, The Pines, Elmslie Memorial Church, Happy Seniors, and the list goes on as so many sectors in the Cayman Islands can speak of the legacy  she created and the memories she has left behind.
Her love for family and her continuous concern about the wellbeing of young people speak of the heartbeat which kept her going over these years. She had no hesitation to be present wherever the girls of the Girls’ Brigade attended, and she was constantly loved and revered. She gave much love and she received much in return.
As a worshipper, even with dimness of sight, she participated in the hymns and readings and never missed the key points of a sermon. She loved her Lord and her Church dearly and sat upright and riveted as she worshipped.
A mother, a lady, a friend, a thinker, a pragmatist and an example to many, Ms. Olive will be missed but her life and legacy will remain with us for an exceptionally long time.
We offer to her beloved family our prayers and condolences as they grieve at this time.
May her soul rest in peace and may light perpetual shine upon her.

Posted by: Administrator Wednesday May 20, 2020 15:43
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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands