CIRMC Council Meeting May 28 2022 Popular Report
COUNCIL MEETING – Held May 28, 2022
The Cayman Islands Regional Mission Council met via Zoom on Saturday, May 28, 2022. All Charges
were represented. The Chair, Rev Rohan Forrester led the Council in a Reflection taken from the devotional,
‘Lead Like Jesus’ titled “Keep on loving one another” based on Hebrews 13:1.
Council Members paused to remember Mr Stanley Quinland, former Member of Council and Synod
Delegate from the East End United Church. Condolences were recorded for his wife, current Council
Member from East End United, Mrs Marge Quinland and her family.
Mrs Rose Wedderburn, Deputy General Secretary of the Southern Regional Mission Council deputized for
the General Secretary, Rev Norbert Stephens at the meeting. She presented the Synod Remit for May 2022.
New Members of Council, Ms Renita Barnes (Savannah United) and Mr Pierre Foster (Webster Memorial)
were especially welcomed by the Chair. The Youth Minister of the John Gray Memorial Church, Ms Jusan
Hamilton was also introduced and welcomed to Council.
Mr Philip Alexander, Partner from the RSM Cayman Ltd. audit firm was also introduced and welcomed to
the meeting by Rev Forrester.
Key Outcomes:
1. Synod Remit:
After offering words of greetings brought on behalf of the General Secretary, Mrs Wedderburn presented
the Synod Remit.
A lengthy discussion ensued following the report on the matter of recruitment for full-time ministry, in
particular, concerning the lack of interest among the youth and church membership.
The following observations and comments were made:
• This trend is not unique to the UCJCI, as other Churches face the same challenges globally.
• Statistical and empirical data and research could be useful in evaluating the factors behind the current
• Retired professionals could be considered as ministry candidates and offered some form of theological
and practical training to fill in vacant positions.
2. Nomination of Moderator of Synod 2023-2025
Members nominated Revds. Astor Carlyle and Tara Tyme to the Office of Moderator of Synod. Other
Councils will also make nominations. The vote for the Moderator will occur at the September 2022 meeting
of the Council.
3. RSM Review Report 2021
Mr Alexander informed Members that RSM had completed the review of the 2021 Consolidated Financial
Statement and that the report will be submitted shortly. He indicated that RSM was in a position to issue a
clean review report and commended FINCOR and the RDGS for their diligence in presenting the requested
documents and reports for the review. He commended the Council for undertaking the valuation of the
properties in 2021, which showed an increase in the asset base of CI$ 4.6 million.
He however made the following recommendations for improving the accounting practices of the
• Investigate the differences between the closing reserve balances of 2021 and the opening reserve
balances of 2022 and make appropriate corrections to the individual Congregations’ accounting
• Ensure that all Congregations classify/categorize and report their expenses consistently across the
board to allow the consolidated accounts to be unified.
Both above-mentioned issues will be addressed in a Treasurers’ workshop later this year.
4. Council Executive Committee and RDGS Report
• Council Members ratified the Development Committee which previously sat as an Ad Hoc
Committee. The following persons will serve on the Committee:
Co-Chairs – Rev. Euthman Wray and Ms Theresa (Tessa) Bodden
Members- Dr E. Elizabeth Mc Laughlin, Mr David Gordon, Mr Heber Arch and Mr Anthony
Ex- Officio – RDGS
• The East End United and the Bodden Town are slated for repairs. Details on the costs of the repairs
and the payments thereof are to be finalized.
• Bethesda and Council Websites are to be reviewed and updated.
• A five-year lease agreement with a new tenant at the former Atlantis property was signed in April
2022. It includes the facility of a ‘scaled rent,’ namely, an incremental increase of monthly rent
until the monthly US$10.0 thousand is reached in January 2023.
5. Mission Action Teams Reports
• Leadership
i. Charge Realignment
This process is now completed, and the four Charges are functional. Pastor John
Macmillan, under the supervision of Rev L. Christopher Mason, has responsibilities for
the Robert Young Mission Station. Vice-Chair Dr McLaughlin thanked the RDGS for her
sterling work in supervising the extensive and demanding Charge Realignment process in
the CIRMC.
ii. Cayman United Church Corporation (CUCC)
The process is in place for the replacement of Mr Heber Arch on the CUCC. Council
agreed that recommendations to fill the vacant position on the CUCC will be tabled in the
September session of the Council, and a decision will be made at that time.
iii. Cayman Prep and High School Board of Governors
Guided by the CPHS Governance Manual and the Constitution of the UCJCI Preparatory
Schools, the RDGS will be working closely with the Leadership MAT to address the
composition and term limits of members serving on the CPHS Board of Governors.
• Children and Youth
i. Summer Camps
Summer camps for children and youth will be held between July 9-21, 2022, during the day only
at the Prospect Youth Center. All plans are in place and the leadership and other volunteers are
being trained. ‘A New Season’ is the theme for both camps.
ii. Vacation Bible School (VBS)
All Charges will be hosting VBS during the summer months. Themes have been selected and
materials have been purchased. The Youth Ministers and volunteers will provide leadership at
the various VBS.
• Discipleship
i. Women’s Fellowship
The Women’s Fellowship will host a retreat on Saturday, June 11, 2022, under the theme ‘For
Such A Time As This.’ Workshops focusing on mental health, women’s health, stress and
spiritual growth will be held during the retreat.
ii. Men’s Fellowship
A Council-wide event for men is being planned. This will be held during October which is
Men’s Fellowship month.
• Evangelism
i. Back to Church Sunday
The MAT made several recommendations concerning the annual event known in the past as
‘Back to Church’ Sunday and invited Council to discuss the following:
o Renaming the event
o Purpose
o The overall goal
o Local instead of central planning
Following a period of reflection and discussion, these points remained inconclusive. The Evangelism
MAT will follow-up on these.
• Mission
i. Ukraine donation
To date, $2.6 thousand was received in support of Ukraine. Congregations were encouraged to
submit their donations to Council by the first week of June. Council will present a cheque to the Cayman
Islands Red Cross which will be sent to Ukraine Red Cross.
ii. Cayman Prep and High School
The annual Service of Appreciation of the CPHS Staff will be held in October and the MAT will work
out the details in collaboration with CPHS.
6. Reports on Congregational Life
• Mission Station – Robert Young Memorial
The 2022 year began sporadically with the attendance fluctuating, eventually with a gradual
increase. During the quarter attendance has increased steadily. The young people have not been
attending, so the plan to start the video enhancement to the service has been delayed. The
Congregation intends to repeat our former extra events during the latter part of the year to increase
awareness of their presence in the community. New developments in the community provide
growth opportunities and the Congregation is looking for ways to minister to them.
The average attendance is about 50% of capacity. Rev. Mason will meet for the first time with the
Congregational Board of the Mission Station in early June.
• John Gray- South Sound Charge
The membership of the Charge shared in the Holy Week services. Both Congregational Boards
have a clear understanding of their shared responsibilities.
South Sound United
The attendance in South Sound continues to be encouraging. Mission opportunities and engagement
with the community will be investigated
John Gray Memorial
The attendance is fluctuating. A second Worship Service held twice monthly was introduced earlier
this year and its impact and continuation will be evaluated. Youth Minister Ms Jusan Hamilton
recently commenced her employment with the Congregation, at the moment focusing primarily on
giving support to the After School Ministry. The Congregation continues its substantial missional
engagement with the community. The leadership is in the process of ascertaining how to re-engage
those members of the Congregation who became disengaged as the result of the Covid-19
• Elmslie Charge
The in-person attendance on Sunday is showing an upward trend. Online viewership is growing
and far-reaching, registering regular viewers from Africa and India.
The Charge is celebrating this year the 100th Anniversary of the construction of its Sanctuary
with several activities such as a Jazz Concert, a Fun Run-Walk, and an Evangelistic Outreach Event
The Congregation will also honour the late Rev. Talmage Ebanks who entered into full-time
ministry from the Elmslie Congregation.
The highlight of the Anniversary Celebrations will be a Banquet and an Anniversary Service
planned to be held on October 29-30, 2022. The Moderator, the Right. Rev. Gary Harriott has
confirmed his attendance and will bring the message. The sanctuary will be rededicated on that
occasion. The re-roofing of the sanctuary is underway.
• Bodden Town- Savannah Charge
The Charge realignment went smoothly. There is a steady increase in worship attendance
particularly at the Savannah United Congregation. There are still people who participate in the
activities of the Congregations online only. The Youth Ministry continues despite reduced
numbers. The senior group ‘Young at Heart’ will resume their meetings shortly. The Boy Scouts
planted a tree at the Savannah United Church in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Celebrations. A Service of Thanksgiving was held at the Savannah United Church for the late
Vestryman Mr Arley James “A.J.” Miller. Special thanks were expressed to the Chair and the
RDGS for deputizing on behalf of Rev. Wray who could not attend due to his illness.
Four persons were baptized recently at the Savannah United Church. In June, an Evangelism Panel
Discussion will be held. Food deliveries to the needy continue three times per week.
Sunday School, weekly Bible Study, and Bi-Monthly Prayer Meetings continue on the Zoom
platform. Plans are in place to re-launch the Congregation’s website.
The Savannah congregation is in the process of identifying a new accountant following the
resignation of the previous one after several years of dedicated service in the position.
• North-East
East End United
The Congregation is grateful to the Council and an anonymous contributor for offering financial
assistance to fund the ministry until the end of 2022. The treating of termites and maintenance is
being conducted at the Manse. Maintenance works on the Church Hall are moving along as planned
Mrs Garcia from the Savannah Congregation has been instrumental in reaching out to the children
of the East End community.
Gun Bay United
The attendance is stable, with returning overseas visitors frequenting the worship services
Youth Ministry is active, and the numbers are stable.
William Pouchie Memorial
The focus is on rebuilding relationships and making the Congregation’s presence known in the
community. Efforts are being made to create a (new kind of) ministry to Youth and Children. The
Sunday School ministry is ongoing. All the above are pursued via employing strategic ‘marketing.’
There is a decline in the number of ‘snowbirds’ – returning overseas visitors – which also accounts
for a loss of income for the Congregation.
Posted by: Administrator Friday Jun 10, 2022 12:09
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