
The Cayman Islands Regional Mission Council met on Saturday, October 8, 2022, in the refurbished East End United Church Hall. All Charges were represented.
The Chair of Council, Rev. Rohan Forrester, constituted the meeting at 9:18 am and led the Council in a Reflection based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7. Rev Forrester reminded Members that the solution to problems and challenges is found in prayer. In supplication, intercession, praise, and thanksgiving. “Prayer is an expression of the human heart in conversation with God.”
Prayerful Concerns
Council Members paused to remember those who are experiencing bereavement or ill health at this time. A note was made of the passing of the husband and mother of John Gray Memorial Delegate, Mrs Debra Humphreys, the passing of Ms Sybil McLaughlin, the tragic passing of Mrs Margaret Garcia, and most recently the passing of Mrs Johnet Jackson (Savannah United) and Mrs Janilee Clifford (Robert Young Memorial). Members also noted that Mr John Macmillan and Mrs Itza Bodden have encountered significant health challenges. The CIRMC continues to lift the bereaved families and those unwell in prayer.
All Congregations provided Council with an update.
i. Robert Young Memorial Mission Station - Rev. L. Christopher Mason reported
• Ageing but vibrant Congregation
• Steady attendance of Members and adherents
• Pastor Macmillan is unwell and Elder Mrs M. Janilee Clifford passed away
Council elects the incumbent Moderator, Rt. Rev Gary Harriot as the Moderator for the
2023-2025 Synodical period.
43rd Synod of the UCJCI to be hosted in the Cayman Islands
Moderator and General Secretary visits CIRMC October 27-31, 2022
Council elects a new Member to serve on the Cayman United Church Corporation.
Bethesda Counselling Centre’s new Board Members elected
New Governors elected for the Cayman Prep and High School Board of Governors
• Planning for the coming year will begin shortly
• Parking is an ongoing problem
ii. Elmslie Memorial Charge – Rev. L. Christopher Mason reported
• The Congregation celebrates this year the 100th anniversary of the construction of the Sanctuary.
A Reunion service was held on September 11, 2022, with over 300 persons in attendance. Former
Minister of the Congregation Rev. Chris Bailey and his wife travelled from the UK to join the
occasion. On October 29th, an Anniversary Banquet will be held at the Lion’s Community Center
beginning at 6.30 pm. The keynote speaker will be Rev. Norbert Stephens, General Secretary.
Tickets are $75. The Anniversary Service and Rededication of the Sanctuary will take place on
Sunday, October 30th at 4:00 pm with the Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Gary Harriott preaching.
• The finances are up to date
• In October, the focus is on spiritual gifts and in November it will be on stewardship.
• Currently, five (5) children and youth are preparing for membership. They will be received into
membership before the end of 2022 along with some other persons via transfer of membership.
• On the 1st weekend of January 2023, a Leaders’ Retreat will be held to outline a vision for the
Congregation for the next 5-10 years. The 2023 budget will be discussed as well.
• Afterschool Programme will commence in January 2023. There are teachers and volunteers
already committed to serving.
iii. John Gray- South Sound Charge
South Sound United – Mr Clive Hind reported.
• Attendance is still down even with the lifting of the Covid-19 restrictions
• Finances are on track
• Sunday School resumed, but there is a shortage of teachers
• On Back to Church Sunday there were over 100 attendees and over 20 children in Sunday School
• There are challenges concerning Music ministry due to the illness of Mr Bradshaw Taylor
• Grateful for the help of musicians from Elmslie Memorial and John Gray Memorial.
John Gray Memorial – Rev. Donovan Myers reported
• Fluctuating attendance, but reasonable turnout on the Back to Church Sunday
• Challenge remains in finding new persons to serve as leaders in various positions
• The new youth worker Ms Jusan Hamilton is making some inroads
• An impactful Elders’ Board Retreat was held, led by Pastor Ormond Williams
• $150,000 behind the budgeted income for 2022, however, the Congregation was the beneficiary
of a significant donation that almost matched the shortfall
• A meeting to prepare the 2023 Budget will be held on October 10, 2022.
• Maintenance is on schedule
• Pastoral care continues
iv. Bodden Town Savannah Charge
Savannah United Church – Mr Edmund King reported.
• Attendance to in-sanctuary worship is stable, and the online platform is viewed by 100 persons
on average.
• Weekly Bible Study and bi-monthly Prayer Meetings continue on Zoom.
• Youth ministry is ongoing despite the reduced numbers. 3rd Sundays have a youth focus
VBS and Summer Camp were well attended
• Five (5) candidates preparing for membership in the Confirmation Class (including one person
from Webster Memorial)
• The Seniors’ Group is ongoing
• June 2022 was designated as the Month of Evangelism when special events, such as a Panel
Discussion on Evangelism and Training for Personal Witnessing.
• Active Outreach Ministry in the community such as distribution of Foster’s Card; 3 times per week
food delivery to members of the community; ongoing Pantry Ministry
• Plan to relaunch the website of the Congregation
• Plan to purchase a bus
• A Security system has been installed for $8000 and also a new telephone system
• The finances are stable, but every month is challenging
Webster Memorial United Church – Rev. Euthman Wray reported.
• Apologies were extended on behalf of Elders Mrs Maxine Robinson and Mr Pierre Foster
• The alignment experience and cost-sharing were received well
• Youth Ministry and Girl’s Brigade are ongoing, Camps and VBS were well attended
• The Back to Church Sunday service focused on ‘Friends and Family.’ Twelve (12) students, going
overseas to pursue their education, were recognized
• Visitation ministry is very demanding. Video visitation might be a good substitute in some cases.
• An attempt is being made for Joint zoom activities such as Bible Study and Prayer Meetings
• Officers, leaders, and Elders will meet in November for visioning
• Several property issues have been identified and the needs will be addressed.
• The bus is to be sold and replaced.
v. North-East Charge – Rev. Rohan Forrester reported.
• Attendance and participation in worship services are still challenging; a noticeable decline in the
attendance of the ‘snowbirds.’
• Aging congregations; the young adults are few and lacking in commitment. Efforts are being made
to engage them. At William Pouchie Memorial the young adults assist in teaching Sunday School,
but they are not attending church services.
• Bible Study attendance has declined significantly but there is a plan to restart home groups in
January 2023 at which the Bible Study will be done. Bible Study on Zoom and YouTube was
discontinued due to a lack of interest.
• At Gun Bay United, attendance is steady and young adults are more involved.
• There is a reluctance of the leaders in the Charge to participate in Council-organized training
• East End has only two (2) young adults and three (3) children. There is no Sunday School as yet.
• There are plans to restart the Youth Group Ministry at East End United, as this ministry was
affected by the sudden passing of Mrs Margaret Garcia.
• The East End United-Gun Bay United Youth Worker, Mrs Itza Bodden has encountered a serious
medical issue and requires urgent overseas treatment.
• Four (4) children attended the Summer Camp.
• The William Pouchie Memorial Girl’s Brigade is active and well-supported Seeking to engage the
East End Primary School via the new principal
• The East End United and Gun Bay Women’s Fellowship hold joined meetings; the William Pouchie
Memorial Women’s Fellowship is inactive but assists with local mission activities.
• The Senior Citizens Fellowship needs to be revamped in the Charge
• Peace Initiative is pursued through couples and family counselling
• No activities regarding the Food Security initiative
• Internet connection is in place and there are plans to acquire multimedia equipment, such as a
TV and projector for East End United.
• East End United Hall restoration is 90% completed. Works on the East End Sanctuary commenced.
The East End Manse was treated for termite infestation.
• The East End United’s monthly income fluctuates, and Gun Bay United’s finances are stable.
Election of Moderator
The profile of Rev. Gary Harriott, the only candidate standing for election, was circulated prior to the
meeting. A ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote was taken by secret ballot. The count of the result: Yes–13, No – 0. The CIRMC voted for the Rev. Gary Harriott to fill the office of Moderator for the 2023-2025 synodical period.
Hosting the 43rd synod, April 23-30, 2023
A letter by the General Secretary, Rev. Norbert Stephens, informed Council members on how Synod
Meetings will be conducted in the future, based on the decision of the Synod Planning Committee. Future
Synod Meetings would be held utilizing a blended approach (both physical and virtual) hosted by a
Regional Mission Council (RMC) with a minimum of five (5) representatives from each RMC.
A Motion to host the 43rd Synod of the UCJCI in the Cayman Islands Regional Mission Council was made by Rev. L. Christopher Mason and seconded by Ms Tessa Bodden. All were in favour. The following persons will comprise the Council’s Synod Planning Team: Ms Tessa Bodden, Mr Antonio Sanchez, Rev. Euthman Wray, and Mrs Cora Grant-James. Ms Melody McLean offered to assist with the immigration aspect. The team will do the preliminary work and address the details such as immigration (visa), funding, accommodations, transportation and developing the emersion programme.
Visit of the Moderator and General Secretary to CIRMC
The Moderator, the Rt. Rev Gary Harriott and General Secretary, Rev Norbert Stephens, will visit the
Cayman Islands Regional Mission Council from October 27-31, 2022. The Moderator will be accompanied by his wife, Mrs Dionne Harriott. A special Council meeting will be held at 6:30 pm on October 27, 2022, to welcome the team to the Cayman Islands. Visits will be made to Cayman Prep and High School, Bethesda Counselling Centre, and the Beth Shalom Mission House. The Moderator will meet with the combined Youth Groups on Friday, October 28, 2022, at 7:00 pm at the Savannah United Church. The Moderator will speak at the Men’s Fellowship Breakfast scheduled for Saturday, October 29, 2022, at 8:30 am at John Gray Memorial Church.
The General Secretary will speak at the Elmslie 100th Anniversary Banquet on Saturday, October 29, 2022, at 6:00 pm, at the Lion’s Community Centre. The Moderator will preach at the Elmslie Memorial 100th Anniversary Service, at 4:00 pm on Sunday, October 30, 2022.
• Bethesda Counselling Centre received an unexpected donation of CI$14,000.00.
• At the Treasurers’ Meeting held on September 28, 2022, all Charges were present. Mr Philip
Alexander, a Senior Partner from the RSM Cayman Ltd., the audit firm and FINCOR, Council’s
accountants, shared critical information with those in attendance. The timeline and the checklist for
the 2022 Consolidation were among the matters discussed.
• The Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Manual is in draft form. It outlines the United Church’s
commitment to the prevention of money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illegal
transactions, and details the applicable policies and procedures. The Manual relates to the
appointment of Rev. Dr Yvette Noble Bloomfield as the Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO).
The Members of the Council Executive, the Finance and Property Committee and the Cayman United
Church Corporation met with Mr Paul Inniss and the Compliance Unit of the General Registry on
September 21, 2022. The Manual was reviewed in the meeting and FINCOR is currently in the process of completing the document which will include the accounting templates for Congregations to use.
• The 2023 Budget Process will include a meeting of the Council Executive Committee and Members of the Cayman United Church Corporation. All Mission Action Teams were asked to submit their budget as soon as possible. The Budget will be presented to Council Executive Committee and Council for approval on November 21 and 28, 2022, respectively.
• Prospect Youth Centre-Members on a Motion from Mr Clive Hinds and seconded by Mr Edmund
King voted in the affirmative to add the Chair of Council as a signatory to the Prospect Youth Centre
RBC account.
• Council Office
The Inter School Intervarsity Christian Fellowship of the Cayman Islands office is now located at the
Council Office. This is a very dynamic relationship and Council welcomes this partnership.
Mission MAT presented by Ms Tessa Bodden
CPHS Staff Appreciation Service will be held at the Savannah United Church on Sunday, October 9, 2022, at 9:00 am. The immediate Past Chair of the Board of Governors will be recognized for his tenure from 2013-2021. All members of the staff will receive a token and a fellowship meal will follow in the Hall.
Other highlights from the report:
• The CPHS became COBIS accredited. This is attached as a separate document.
• Chairman of the CPHS Board, Rev. Donovan Myers, informed the meeting that the CPHS Board of
Governors will in the near future be undertaking a Strategic Planning exercise to determine the
best way forward as they seek to maintain the School’s competitive edge in the next 5 – 10 years.
Among other things, they will address the challenges posed by the opening of a new school in
2023 in George Town, also space, revenue stream, and funding issues.
• The Mission MAT recommended that the Congregations in the CIRMC adopt the Cayman Islands
Crisis Centre (CICC) and, if possible, the Children’s Homes (Bonaventure and Francis Bodden) as
the Peace Initiative focus for the CIRMC. A Motion that the CIRMC adopt the CICC, and if possible,
the Children’s Homes (Bonaventure and Francis Bodden) as a Peace Initiative was moved by Ms
Melody McLean and seconded by Mr Clive Hinds. All were in favour.
Leadership MAT Rev. Dr Yvette Noble-Bloomfield presented the report.
Cayman United Church Corporation
The resignation of Mr Heber Arch from the CUCC resulted in a vacancy. The Council Executive Committee recommended the appointment of Ms Tessa Bodden to the CUCC. Following the presentation of Ms Tessa Bodden’s Profile, a Motion for her appointment to the CUCC was moved by Rev. Euthman Wray and seconded by Mr Clive Hinds. All were in favour. Ms Tessa Bodden became the first female Member of the CUCC.
Bethesda Counselling Centre Management Board
Dr Elizabeth McLaughlin and Mrs Lisa Malice have been serving on the BCC Board since 2007. It was
recommended that they be replaced by Dr Nigel Boothe and Mrs Sonia Wallace. After the presentation of their Profiles, a Motion to appoint Dr Nigel Boothe and Mrs Sonia Wallace to the BCC Board was moved by Mr Clive Hinds and seconded by Ms Melody McLean. All were in favour.
Cayman Prep and High School Board of Governors
It was recommended that Mrs Olga Gourzong and Mrs Wendy Evans-Williams be appointed to the CPHS Board of Governors as Church Representatives in replacement of Mrs Sheena Thompson and Mrs Nicola McCoy who served on the Board since 2012 and 2015, respectively. Following the presentation of their Profiles a Motion to appoint Mrs Olga Gourzong and Mrs Wendy Evans-Williams to the CPHS Board of Governors as Church Representatives was moved by Ms Melody McLean and seconded by Mr Ransford Myers. There were two (2) abstentions, all others were in favour. The final approval for this change will be given by the Synod through the Central Mission Council (CMC).
Rev. Rohan Forrester, who has been a CPHS Board Member since 2011 as Chaplain for the Prep School, will remain as such but without sitting on the CPHS Board. Rev. L. Christopher Mason, Chaplain for the High School, will remain a CPHS Board Member.
PTA Representatives to the CPHS Board of Governors
The CPHS PTA requested the Council's endorsement of Mrs Amy Altneu and Mr Joshua Pawlick to serve on the CPHS Board of Governors as PTA Representatives. A Motion for endorsement was moved by Mr Clive Hinds and seconded by Ms Melody McLean. There was one (1) abstention, all others were in favour.
Children and Youth MAT– Rev. Euthman Wray reported.
• Children’s and Teen’s Camps were held between July 10-22, 2022 at the Prospect Youth Centre.
Both summer camps were held as day camps from Sunday to Friday. The theme for both camps was
‘A. N.E.W. Season’ (Anchored - Nurtured - Empowered – Witness).
• With the exception of the East End and Gun Bay Congregations, Vacation Bible Schools were held in each Charge with local leadership responsible for planning and executing.
• Currently two Congregations are running Afterschool programmes, John Gray Memorial Church
(JGMC) and Savannah United Church (SUC). Elmslie Memorial United (EMU) is in the process to launch its Afterschool Programme in January 2023.
• A special Youth Event is planned for Friday, October 28, 2022, at the Savannah United Church to meet the Moderator and the General Secretary.
Discipleship MAT – Rev. L. Christopher Mason reported.
• The Discipleship MAT asks Congregations to appoint representatives to the MAT
• Women’s Fellowship (WF) Thanksgiving Lunch will be on November 24, 2022, at Elmslie Memorial.
Tickets cost $16. The WF Thanksgiving Service will be at the William Pouchie Memorial Church on
November 27, 2022.
• Men’s Breakfast will be held at the John Gray Memorial Church on October 29, 2022, at 8:30 am with the Moderator and the General Secretary in attendance. Tickets cost $15.
Congratulations were extended to Mr Nathan Myers on beginning his pilot career with CAL as First Officer and to his father, Rev. Donovan Myers on his upcoming birthday.
A Motion for adjournment was made by Rev. Euthman Wray and seconded by Mr Ransford Myers. The meeting was adjourned at 12:58 pm. The closing prayer and the blessing of the meal were offered by Rev. Donovan Myers.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Extra Ordinary Meeting (with Moderator and General Secretary) Thursday,
October 27, 2022, at 6:30 pm Council Office and an Ordinary Meeting - November 28, 2022, via Zoom 6:00 pm (2023 budget approval)
Posted by: Administrator Wednesday Oct 19, 2022 17:14
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