United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Archives: December 2010

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John Gray Memorial United Church "Sharing God's Love" with their Community Christmas Dinner

John Gray Memorial United Church "Sharing God's Love" with their Community Christmas Dinner. As it has been doing every Christmas for many years now, the congregation cooked and distributed meals of turkey and ham 'with all the trimmings' to senior citizens and families in the community ...

Posted by: Administrator Tuesday Dec 28, 2010 15:59
Categories: Christmas | Tags:


Whole Church called to start the year with prayer

Whole Church called to start the year with a "Time of Healing and Renewal ... a season of prayer and fasting for the Nations and the Church" January 1st - 11th 2011 - Go to "Calendar" page for details, with daily devotionals, etc.

Posted by: Administrator Monday Dec 27, 2010 15:55
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So, if you are a Christian, may I invite you to wear your faith with pride

 “So, if you are a Christian, may I invite you to wear your faith with pride this Christmas?” This challenge and invitation by Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury is in a special leaflet entitled 'I'm Not Ashamed'”, which has critical relevance to the Cayman of 2010 ...

Posted by: Administrator Sunday Dec 12, 2010 15:30
Categories: Christmas | Tags:


Au Revoir to Rev. Dr. Colin Cowan

Au Revoir to Rev. Dr. Colin Cowan, a ‘favourite son’ of the Church. The Rev. Dr. Colin Cowan, outgoing General Secretary of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, and his family were given a resounding send off by the Church at a Service of Farewell and Celebration ...

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Dec 09, 2010 15:36
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Let your Christmas gifts Double the Joy!

 Let your Christmas gifts Double the Joy! Give a gift of love and hope this Christmas that will bring joy to someone on your gift list – plus another, by helping provide shelter for the homeless, food for the hungry, medical treatment for the ill, care for those who need to know ...

Posted by: Administrator Tuesday Dec 07, 2010 15:39
Categories: Christmas | Tags:


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