United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Archives: July 2013

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Girls Brigade Hosts International Gathering

Under the theme: “ Christ is Love ... Let the Whole World Know”, the Cayman Islands Girls Brigade has been hosting the Girls Brigade   Caribbean and Americas Fellowship (“CAF”) Camp 2013 and the AGM of the CAF. An Opening Service was held at Elmslie Memorial United ...

Posted by: Administrator Friday Jul 19, 2013 13:07
Categories: Cayman Islands, Youth | Tags: children, Girls, Girls Brigade, helping others, Jesus, Prospect Youth Centre, strengthening, Worship


Full Ahead at Cayman Prep!

Graduations, other impressive accomplishments, and new Director at Cayman Prep Forty-eight I/GCSE students graduated on 25th June from the Year 11 Graduating Class of 2013, 19 with Honours and another six graduated with Merit. Thirteen students shared the Subject Prizes, with Utkarsha Basu ...

Posted by: Administrator Monday Jul 08, 2013 13:25
Categories: Cayman Prep, Encouragement, National Awards, students, Youth | Tags: children, exam results, helping others, strengthening, students


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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands