United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


Archives: March 2014

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Lloyd (“Tony”) McField – “Civil Servant of the Month” and recipient also of the “Chief Officer’s Choice Award”

Sincere congratulations to well known Elmslie stalwart Lloyd Anthony McField, who was the recipient of the Government’s Employee of the Month award for January “for his team spirit and consistent reliability”, according to a Government Information Service (“GIS”) ...

Posted by: Administrator Monday Mar 24, 2014 08:41
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Paying the Price

“… we found that you can provide all manner of goods and services to the poor, as good people have been doing for decades, but if you are not restraining the bullies in the community from violence and theft—as we have been failing to do for decades— that critical assistance ...

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Mar 06, 2014 14:33
Categories: | Tags: adversity, back to God, children, helping others, Justice


Human Trafficking: Advocacy and Justice in respect of Children and Young People

Beginning 13 March through 16 March 2014, the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands (UCJCI) will host the Council for World Mission’s (CWM), Caribbean Region, Regional Assembly. Some seventy persons will meet at the Four Seasons Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica to focus issues relating to ...

Posted by: Administrator Tuesday Mar 04, 2014 09:00
Categories: relief | Tags: adversity, children, helping others, Justice, new life, Prayer, starting over, strengthening, Women


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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands