United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands

UCJCI Update

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Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
This COVID-19 pandemic has forced us into difficult decisions
and actions which have removed from our lives and living the notion of 
normality. So some of us wrestle with the difficult
task of self-or stateimposed quarantine. These are not normal
times. Many of us long for normality to return, for access to our sources of
comfort, entertainment,social interaction and inspiration. All of us long
for the day when this COVID-19 pandemic will breathe its last.

LEADERSHIP CORNER- Jesus: The Role Model for Christian Leadership
What is Servant Leadership? It is the focus on the growth of the
individual, that they might flourish and achieve their full potential and
not primarily the growth and potential of the organization, that
distinguishes servant leadership from other leadership styles. The
primary concern of the servant leader is service to their followers.
In the secular business schools, it was Robert Greenleaf who, in the
early 1970s, proposed the servant leader model. However, the concept
of a servant leader is not such a modern concept, but can be found in the
biblical account of the life of Jesus Christ. By examining His model,
we can identify a Christcentred, Christ-like servant leadership style
that works for Christians who lead people in any situation.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

A Tribute To A Dynamic Man Of Faith

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
In a seasn when the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
is resolute in its efforts to assert anew the theological principle of the priesthood
of all believers, the life and witness of the late Rev. Keith Livingstone Gordon bears
indisputable testimony to the efficacy of this principle.

LEADERSHIP CORNER- Defining Leadership: What Is It and Why Does It Matter in Church?
"Great men lead people", Bill Bright of Campus Crusdae for Christ said. "But greater men train leaders"

please click here for more information (PDF file)

Emerging from the Pandemic Stronger and More Resilient

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
“Imagine with me that the Coronavirus pandemic is
over. A suitable vaccine has been developed.
It has been equitably distributed throughout the
nations, and our lives are back to normal. In what
state do you wish to be, then, when it is over
– the storm has passed, the winds have subsided and
the earth is dry?

LEADERSHIP CORNER- Adding Value to Your Team
Leadership is a complicated and difficult skill, one
that no single person ever masters. There are
some things I do well as a leader and some I do poorly. I’m sure it is
the same for you. Even the greatest leaders from history had blind
spots and weak areas.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

Rev. Dr. Margaret Fowler’s Library Handed Over to the IUC

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
A tangible expression of far-reaching
contribution to the building of communities
and the wider society, the library of the late Rev. Dr.
Margaret Fowler was handed over to the
UCJCI’s International University of the Caribbean on August 26, 2020. 

Leadership Corner-Leaders Are Needed at Every Level of the Organization 

The difference between two equally talented teams is
leadership. Leadership is what makes the difference at every
level of the organization. Everything rises and falls on leadership. It
really does. If you don’t believe it, just put together a group of people
without a leader, and watch them. They will drift. When there is no
good leader on a team, in a department, at the top of an organization,
or heading a family, then the following results are inevitable.

please click here for more information (PDF file)


Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
“My sisters and brothers, I think of all that
is going on around us, locally and globally;
the increased rates of COVID-19 infections and
related deaths here in Jamaica; the implications for
our health sector; the new restrictions as we try to
minimise the spread of the virus; the negative impact
the crisis is having on life in community and our
LEADERSHIP CORNER -Good Leaders in the Middle Make Better Leaders at the Top
In places where the top leaders try to keep everyone else
down, the overall leadership is usually pretty poor. Why?
Because when all the power is at the top and there are no leaders in
the middle to help them, the top leaders cannot lead very effectively.
Good leaders anywhere in an organization make better leaders at
the top—and make for a much better organization overall.

please click here for more information (PDF file)


Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Through a kind donation from the Presbyterian Church USA
(PCUSA) in collaboration with the Caribbean and North America Council 
for Mission (CANACOM), the United Church in Jamaica and
the Cayman Islands (UCJCI) received funds in
a COVID-19 response to the needs of the poor and
vulnerable, and in particular those who have been
dislocated by the ravaging effects of the crisis.

LEADERSHIP CORNER -Leading Successfully at One Level Is a Qualifier for Leading at the Next Level
Growing organizations are always looking for
good people to step up to the next level and
lead. How do they find out if a person is qualified to make that
jump? By looking at that person’s track record in his or her current
position. The key to moving up as an emerging leader is to focus on
leading well where you are, not moving up the ladder. If you are a
good leader where you are, I believe you will be given an opportunity to
lead at a higher level.

please click here for more information (PDF file)


Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Ivan Adolphus Burnett, went home to be with the Lord on August 30, 2020.
Throughout his working career in Jamaica, Ivan worked for many years as a life insurance agent. 
His entrepreneurial spirit led to his ownership of several businesses.
Trevel Burnett, Ivan’s wife of 64 years, predeceased him on August
20, 2020. 

LEADERSHIP CORNER -5 Ways Churches Would Have Changed
One Year From Now

I am not prophetic. And if I am prescient, it’s only because I have the incredible
vantage point of hearing from tens of thousands of church
leaders at churches every year. While it is admittedly difficult to
project trends in typical times, it is exceedingly difficult to do so
in a time of pandemic headed for, hopefully, a post-quarantine
era. Because we hear from so many church leaders and church
members, allow me to venture where local churches will be in
one year.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

UCYAAM E-Conference Inspires, Equips for Service

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
The inaugural econference of the
United Church Young Adults Action Movement
(UCYAAM) was held from August 13-16, 2020
via the Zoom platform, and what a stirring and
inspiring occasion it was for the UCYAAMers!

LEADERSHIP CORNER -Expand Your Circle of Acquaintances
It’s always easier to stay within environments where we are
comfortable and secure. In fact, that’s what most people do.
They avoid change and remain where it’s safe. But you can’t grow
and avoid change at the same time. If you want to expand your influence,
you have to expand your circle of acquaintances.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

Stewardship and the Disciple

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
“For me, it is a beautiful thought that we
have the opportunity to be disciples of, and
stewards for, the creator and owner of this earth.
Psalm 24:1 reminds us of that: “The earth is the
Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world, and they
that dwell therein.”
LEADERSHIP CORNER - The Leader’s Daily Dozen (Part 3)
If you’re willing to work at making your organization a
place where leaders lead and do it well, you’ll need to shift
your focus from leading the people, finding leaders, developing leaders,
empowering the leaders while they lead the organization, to serving the
leaders as they lead the organization. If you’re ready to revolutionize your
organization, then start the process by adopting what I call the
“Leader’s Daily Dozen”. Every morning when you get up and get
ready to lead your organization, make a commitment to these powerunleashing activities.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

The Value of Giving

Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
“ For many people, giving represents an appeal to
altruistic feelings. We give because it’s the human
thing to do. If others are in need, our duty is to ‘help
out’ where we can. But also, many see giving as a necessary outpouring of their excess. “I have more than I need,
so I should share.” While those two motivations might be reasonable,
the letter from Paul to the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 8:1-15) speaks about giving
in a way that challenges some commonly held assumptions.

LEADERSHIP CORNER- The Leader’s Daily Dozen (Part 2)
(This article continues from last week’s
Issue of the UCJCI Update.)

If you’re willing to work at making your organization a
place where leaders lead and do it well, you’ll need to shift your
focus from leading the people, finding leaders, developing leaders,
empowering the leaders while they lead the organization, to serving the
leaders as they lead the organization.

please click here for more information (PDF file)

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United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands