United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


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Help the NCVO do their good deeds

Help the NCVO do their good deeds. Please see their "Out with the Old, In with the New" appeal here, and help them wherever possible.

Posted by: Administrator Tuesday Apr 19, 2011 17:23
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Superb Saturday for Girls Brigade at Camp FISH!

Superb Saturday for Girls Brigade at Camp FISH! Over 100 Girls Brigaders of all ages and from all over the Island gathered at the Prospect Youth Centre on Saturday 26th March under the leadership of the GB Officers for a tremendous day of fun, devotions, learning (lots!), exploration, other ...

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Apr 14, 2011 17:16
Categories: Youth | Tags: Prospect Youth Centre


International Ecumenical Peace Convocation

 International Ecumenical Peace Convocation to be held May 17-25, 2011, in Kingston, Jamaica. On the eve of this Convocation, which is being hosted by The World Council of Churches ("WCC"), the Caribbean Conference of Churches, and the Jamaica Council of Churches, the WCC has ...

Posted by: Administrator Tuesday Mar 29, 2011 16:39
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The Ash Wednesday Prayer Summit

The Ash Wednesday Prayer Summit was a moving and renewing experience for partcipants again this year. As in most years, some people were heard to remark that they do not know why more of our members do not take part, as it is such a refreshing time of prayer, worship and fellowship in the peaceful ...

Posted by: Administrator Monday Mar 28, 2011 17:10
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YouthQuake 2011!

 The United Church Youth Leaders National Executive hosted the 1st Annual Youthquake at the John Gray Memorial Church Hall in West Bay on 12th February 2011. The young people delighted the audience - and at times made us cry with some poignant pieces. Youthquake provided an opportunity for the ...

Posted by: Administrator Wednesday Mar 09, 2011 16:59
Categories: John Gray | Tags:


Minimum Wage Law promised in Legislative Assembly

 Minimum Wage Law promised in Legislative Assembly - Following a motion in the Legislative Assembly by Mr. Ezzard Miller (Independent - North Side) to insert a minimum hourly wage amount in the Labour Law, the Government has said it is not against a minimum wage and will be introducing ...

Posted by: Administrator Monday Mar 07, 2011 16:50
Categories: John Gray | Tags:


Sports Day rescheduled for 2nd April

 Sports Day rescheduled for 2nd April - the Youth Leaders National Executive have rescheduled the Church Sports Day for Saturday 2nd April, at the North Side District Field. As usual, there will be competitions for all ages - including the leaders and Ministers! (Picture of some of the ...

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Mar 03, 2011 16:45
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World Day of Prayer

World Day of Prayer will be celebrated in our Churches in East End, Bodden Town and West Bay on 4th March. All are invited to this important event in the world body of Christians, under the theme this year of, PRAYER CAN MULTIPLY THE LOAVES. Mark 6:30-44. The organisers point out that "This ...

Posted by: Administrator Tuesday Mar 01, 2011 16:34
Categories: Bodden Town, East End, John Gray | Tags:


New Cayman Prep Building Dedicated

New Cayman Prep Building Dedicated 2011/2 - The Moderator of the United Church, Rt. Rev. Henley Bernard, dedicated the new building at Cayman Prep and High School Walkers Road Campus on February 1st 2011, and authorised the Governor of the Cayman Islands, His Excellency Mr. Duncan Taylor CBE, and ...

Posted by: Administrator Wednesday Feb 23, 2011 16:29
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George Town and Savannah Charges realigned

George Town and Savannah Charges realigned. In what many termed ‘a beautiful service’ the Robert Young Memorial United Church was linked with the Savannah United Church to become the new Robert Young – Savannah Charge of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. ...

Posted by: Administrator Friday Jan 28, 2011 16:20
Categories: Elmslie, Robert Young, Savannah | Tags:


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