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St. John’s United Church Celebrates 135 Years!!
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
On October 13, 2019, our St. John’s United Church, located in Hannah Town, Kingston, commemorated the tremendous milestone of 135 years of ministry! To God be all the glory! The special service of thanksgiving was attended by not only members of the congregation, but also members of other United Churches, and it was indeed a special event. LEADERSHIP CORNER The Freedom Myth about Leadership Sometimes I think people get the wrong idea about leadership. Many people hope that it’s a ticket to freedom. It will provide a solution to their professional and career problems. But being at the top is not a cure-all. Have you entertained the idea that being in charge will change your life? Have thoughts such as these come to mind from time to time? please click here for more information (PDF file) |
Goshen Charge’s Revolving Loan Scheme Boosts Members!
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
For the past two years, the Goshen Charge of United Churches (including Goshen, Welsh, Derry and Woodpark United Churches) in St. Mary has offered a revolving loan scheme to their members to assist in small business ventures. Thus far, ten (10) members of the congregations have each benefitted from the loan ceiling of $10,000, paid to suppliers for agricultural inputs such as animal feed, broiler chicks, and irish potatoes, repayable at the time of harvest and sale. LEADERSHIP CORNER Leadership: The Position Myth If I had to identify the number one misconception people have about leadership, it would be the belief that leadership comes simply from having a position or title. But nothing could be further from the truth. You don’t need to possess a position at the top of your group, department, division, or organization in order to lead. If you think you do, then you have bought into the position myth. A place at the top will not automatically make anyone a leader. The true measure of leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
Friday Oct 04, 2019
The Moderator of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Gordon Cowans, paid his first official visit to the Western Regional Mission Council (WRMC) from September 12 to 15, 2019. This was part of a schedule of ten (10) visits to be paid by the Moderator across our four (4) Regions during his twoyear term in office. LEADERSHIP CORNER What is Different About a Leader? Leaders seek the guidance of God. “A leader never lets adversity get him (her) down—except on his (her) knees.” (Jim Williams) Everyone depends on the leader for answers. “Where do we go next?” “What’s our goal?” “Should we move ahead or wait?” It’s the leader who must make the decisions, sometimes choosing between the greater of two goods or the lesser of two evils. Effective leaders have learnt this secret of leadership: they are not alone. When forced to make tough choices, they seek the counsel of the One greater than themselves. They seek the guidance of God. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
Celebrating a Faithful Servant of God
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
A faithful steward, a notable servant. The late Reverend Dr. Margaret Fowler was celebrated on September 19, 2019 at her thanksgiving service, held at Webster Memorial United Church, for her conscientious service, unheralded devotion, and unquestionable distinction, in honour of the cause of Christ. “Hers was a mission to comfort, to fortify, and to be a tangible expression of hope” were the words of Rev. Norbert Stephens, General Secretary of the UCJCI, in his Synodical Reflection on the life of this stalwart of the faith. LEADERSHIP CORNER Seven Principles of Christian Leadership A pastor described the church as the most leadership-intensive organization in the world. Stephen Grunlan wrote, “Church leaders do not have the authority of military leaders or the financial incentives of the corporate world; they only have leadership skills on which to rely.” Those leadership skills will define whether church leaders—or all Christian leaders, because they have the same values and focus—are successful. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
25 CHILDREN SAVED at CIRMC Children’s Camp 2019!!
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thirty-three (33) campers in the 8-12 age group from six (6) congregations gathered for the Cayman Islands Regional Mission Council’s Children’s Camp from July 13 to 18, 2019, at Prospect Youth Centre, Grand Cayman! We rejoice with the angels in heaven that twelve (12) of those children made first time commitments and 13 others made recommitments to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Placed in three (3) “Families”, the campers worshipped, worked, played, fellowshipped and served in mission together during the event. LEADERSHIP CORNER What is Having A Voice If Not To Advocate for Others and Yourself? By Abigail Scarlett Text: Esther 4:1-17 Excerpt: Verses 13-14: “Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, ‘Do not think to yourself that in the king’s palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?’” “ Are you a leader? A young activist? A person with a platform, or in any position at all to help others? The answer should be ‘Yes!’ With or without a high position, we all have a voice, and what is having a voice if not to advocate for others or to speak up for yourself? Know that even in a high position, or in a seemingly safe community, or with wealth, you’re not exempt from misfortunes that the rest of the world faces. Use your advantage for good because ‘who knows whether you have not come into this world for such a time as this?’, to share with others and make great change. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Under the theme,“Movin’ Wid De Mishun!”, Teens Camp 2019 was held in the Cayman Islands Regional Mission Council from July 6-11 at Prospect Youth Centre, and eight (8) campers were saved and baptized at the event! The camp was attended by twenty-four (24) teens from four congregations, and was rich with social and missional activities, as well as education and opportunities for spiritual nurture for the 13- 16 years old persons. Leadership Corner The Process of Leadership Development Leadership is like investing. It compounds. Becoming a leader is a lot like investing successfully in the stock market. If your hope is to make a fortune in a day, you’re not going to be successful. There are no successful “day traders” in leadership development. What matters most is what you do day by day over the long haul. Tag Short stated, “The secret of our success is found in our daily agenda.” please click here for more information (PDF file) |
Young Adults Empowered at Camp/Conference 2019!!
Monday Sep 09, 2019
With 72 young adults, 21 visitors/presenters and 13 children, the United Church Young Adults Action Movement’s (UCYAAM’s) Camp/ Conference 2019 brought renewal and empowerment for campers! Held from August 15-18 at Madge Saunders Conference Centre, St. Mary, the activities were centred on ministryin the Word, a Call to Ministry as Lay Leaders (with 30 persons indicating their interest in being trained in their local congregations), discussions on building healthy marital and pre-marital relationships, and a careerbuilding session and examination sat by more than 35 persons in Customer Service, administered by HEART Trust/NTA. Leadership Corner: Competence: If You Build It, They Will Come “The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.” (John Gardner) We all admire people who display high competence, whether they are precision craftsmen, world-class athletes, or successful business leaders. But the truth is that you don’t have to be Bill Gates to excel in the area of competence. If you want to cultivate that quality, here’s what you need to do: please click here for more information (PDF file) |
16 SOULS SAVED at Pacesetters Camp 2019!!
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
With one hundred and thirty-two (132) campers, the UCJCI’s Pacesetters Teens 1 Camp was, indeed, a memorable and impactful event! Held from July 20-26, 2019 at Madge Saunders Conference Centre, St. Mary, under the theme, “Disciples on di Move ” , the teens, aged 14-17 years, were enriched by spiritual, emotional, social, and physically beneficial activities. LEADERSHIP CORNER :Leaders are Missional Leaders march to the mission. “The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” (Harvey S. Firestone) Good leaders have little trouble organizing the tasks for any given day. “What matters most?” is the question they ask. “What will contribute to the mission?” they want to know. Everything else is secondary. A good leader is single-minded in pursuit of the goal. He or she will not be distracted by activities that are not mission-focused. Ineffective leaders are drawn by lesser concerns. They entangle themselves in the mundane at the expense of the more important. Consequently, as they chase after unimportant details, they sound an uncertain note to their team members. please click here for more information (PDF file) |
45 TEENS SAVED at Discovery Camp 2019!
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
It was a soul-stirring mix of evangelistic mission, fellowship, worship and caregiving at the UCJCI’s Discovery Teens 2 Camp 2019, held from July 27 to August 2, 2019 at Madge Saunders Conference Centre, St. Mary! This combination was an enactment of our Synodical subthemes for this year, and they were embraced by the 175 campers and 35 leaders who attended the event, and acted as true “Disciples on di Move”, as was the camp’s theme please click here for more information (PDF file) |
UCJCI Intern to WCRC Influences Eco-Justice
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Abigail Scarlett, UCJCI Intern to the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) in Hannover, Germany, has influenced the path towards eco-justice and youth empowerment through the organization. Ms. Scarlett, who is from St. Paul’s United Church (Lockett Avenue), has been instrumental in the decision to form an eco-justice youth working group. This idea was birthed out of a need that she realized for more deliberate action on our part towards environmental stewardship; and finding more sustainable ways of supporting and advocating for environmental preservation. Leadership Corner Leaders stay current. “As a rule, he or she who has the most information will have the greatest success in life.” (Disraeli) There was a farmer who posted this sign on the pasture fence: “Trespassers are welcome. Just be sure to cross the field in 9.9 seconds. The bull can make it in ten!” In this fastmoving age of information, it’s easy to get left behind. Leaders try to stay ahead of charging bulls by staying alert and by staying informe please click here for more information (PDF file) |