United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


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Mrs. Casandra Morris and Mr Noel Wallace, who, once again (for which the Church must be especially grateful) served as  Camp Coordinator and Camp Director, respectively, have reported their delight with the attendance and other outcomes at this year’s Teens’ and Children’s ...

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Aug 15, 2013 14:38
Categories: | Tags: Boys, children, evangelism, Girls


Girls Brigade Hosts International Gathering

Under the theme: “ Christ is Love ... Let the Whole World Know”, the Cayman Islands Girls Brigade has been hosting the Girls Brigade   Caribbean and Americas Fellowship (“CAF”) Camp 2013 and the AGM of the CAF. An Opening Service was held at Elmslie Memorial United ...

Posted by: Administrator Friday Jul 19, 2013 13:07
Categories: Cayman Islands, Youth | Tags: children, Girls, Girls Brigade, helping others, Jesus, Prospect Youth Centre, strengthening, Worship


Full Ahead at Cayman Prep!

Graduations, other impressive accomplishments, and new Director at Cayman Prep Forty-eight I/GCSE students graduated on 25th June from the Year 11 Graduating Class of 2013, 19 with Honours and another six graduated with Merit. Thirteen students shared the Subject Prizes, with Utkarsha Basu ...

Posted by: Administrator Monday Jul 08, 2013 13:25
Categories: Cayman Prep, Encouragement, National Awards, students, Youth | Tags: children, exam results, helping others, strengthening, students


New Name to Reignite Passion of Old Namesake - South Sound United

In a move that they feel will help them to become closer and more relevant to their present community, the former George Hicks United Church Congregation was renamed the South Sound United Church in a renaming service on 16th June. The Rev. George Hicks, a fiery and passionate Presbyterian Minister ...

Posted by: Administrator Thursday Jun 27, 2013 13:42
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General Elections Worship Service

A special worship service in respect of the General Elections will be held on Sunday 19th May at 5pm at the Elmslie Memorial United Church in George Town. The recently installed Moderator of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Yvette Noble Bloomfield, will be the ...

Posted by: Administrator Wednesday May 15, 2013 14:15
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Child Month 2013 - Citation for Mr. Crawford

Child Month 2013 has been launched by Government with the theme this year of   “Care. Advocate. Protect.” The Hon, Dwayne Seymour, Minister with responsibility for Community Affairs has been quoted as stating that “This year’s theme pays tribute to the Children Law ...

Posted by: Administrator Wednesday May 08, 2013 15:10
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Environmental Stewardship and Justice Issues emphasised

The new Synod Theme: “RENEWAL AND TRANSFORMATION for LIFE!” (Liberty, Integrity, Faith, Environmental Stewardship) had been introduced at the annual Ash Wednesday Prayer Summit at the Prospect Youth Centre. While “Life” in its fullest sense as well as the four components of ...

Posted by: Administrator Tuesday Apr 23, 2013 16:21
Categories: Cayman Islands, Prayer | Tags: Boys, children, Environment, Justice, Prayer, Prospect Youth Centre, Renewal & Transformation, strengthening, trees


38th Synod held 16th – 19th April – some highlights regarding Cayman

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Yvette Noble Bloomfield is the new Moderator of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, after being installed at the opening service of the 38th Synod, held at Boscobel United Church on Tuesday 16th April 2013. She became only the second woman to be elected Moderator ...

Posted by: Administrator Monday Apr 22, 2013 09:28
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Women’s Suffrage in Cayman – Role of the Women’s Fellowship

Someone recently came across in the Cayman Islands National Archive the document of which the attached [open full article to access attachment] is page one. Having recognised a number of signatories as women still active in the John Gray Memorial United Church, sent it with the caption ...

Posted by: Administrator Monday Apr 22, 2013 08:06
Categories: Cayman Islands, John Gray | Tags: Women, Women's Suffrage


Membership Initiative Culminates on Glorious Easter Sunday

The Cayman congregations of the United Church joined, possibly for the first time, in a combined sacrament of Baptism on Good Friday, when a number of persons from different congregations who wished to be baptised by immersion in the sea were baptised at the Spotts Beach. The United Church ...

Posted by: Administrator Tuesday Apr 02, 2013 08:38
Categories: | Tags: back to God, evangelism, new creation, Renewal & Transformation


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